Team Canada Two Handed Approach / Presentation
Beginning Stance Similar to traditional or conventional: Feet staggered Knee bend Ball placement (left/right) Ball height Posture (slightly more forward) Differences: Opposite hand placement is on the top half of the ball slightly above the bowling fingers Thumb can be in or out of the ball Two Handed Approach
Start / Tempo More aggressive than traditional counterparts. Q. Why? Do you think? A. Necessary to build momentum and overall ball speed “There is Increased importance on lower body” Two Handed Approach
Armswing Flexibility restraints “Pick up” the ball as it enters the backswing Enables opposite hand to rest on ball Added muscle Forces a more compact swing Opposite shoulder Tucks underneath chin Allows trunk of body to coil Two Handed Approach
Posture Biggest difference between the two styles Traditional / Two Handed Posture in approach: Shoulders follow ball Enables a higher backswing Posture at release: Spine tilt parallel to floor Two Handed Approach
Trail Leg Elevation is acceptable “Knee position is more important” Between sliding knee and torso Balances out release posture Two Handed Approach
Wrist positions Thumb in vs. thumb out Thumb in vs. thumb out Strong wrist position is necessary High rev rates are achieved Two Handed Approach
Thumb In Thumb Out Two Handed Approach
Release Thumb in vs. thumb out Opposite hand does not help release Separated from ball before bowling hand exits Does not effect axis rotation or tilt Two Handed Approach
TEAM CANADA A Step Above "Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible"