Skate Canada Learn to Train Pilot Module #2 STAR 1
What is the Learn to Train pilot? CPC (Cumulative Points Calculation) was introduced in 2005 We want our youngest skaters to move away from being judged in 6.0 CPC is used at Jr Bronze level & higher in STARSkate, Pre-Juvenile level & higher in competitive STAR 1-5 aligns with the CPC judging system
CPC Overview In CPC - jumps, spins and step sequence elements have a point value Judges assign ‘quality’ marks called ‘GOE’s or Grades of Execution to each element Judges assign marks for 5 Program Components: –Skating Skills, Transitions, Performance/Execution, Choreography and Interpretation A detailed scorecard is given to skaters
CPC Structure/Process STAR 1-4 uses similar processes/structure as CPC In CPC, there are 2 sets of officials –Technical Panel members – identify elements –Judges & Referee – assign element quality marks & assess Program Components In STAR 1-4 the roles of Tech Panel & Judges are shared by one group of 3 Judges In STAR 5 the same panel structure is used as CPC
STAR 1-4 Standards STAR 1-4 judges must apply standards in relation to each STAR level A STAR 1 criteria of ‘good’ or ‘reasonable’ height, must be considered as what is ‘good’ or ‘reasonable’ for STAR 1 Judges must not compare to what might be ‘good’ for higher or competitive (i.e. CPC) levels Assessments should reflect skater’s strengths, but also technique corrections required
Assessment Standards Skate Canada Assessment Standards EvaluatingExcellentGoodSatisfactoryNeeds Improvement STAR 1-4GoldSilverBronzeMerit STAR 5 / CPC+1 or higher0-2, -3 There are similarities in the standard concepts used in the 3 systems of assessment The standard for a Good in Preliminary test = a Silver in a STAR 1, 2, 3 or 4 event
Who can judge STAR Events? Skate Canada judges who are trained to judge in either 6.0 or CPC may judge STAR 1-4 levels These judges must attend re-training to familiarize themselves with STAR procedures and assessment criteria. In order to judge STAR 5, judges must be trained to judge in CPC. Skate Canada Technical Officials may officiate in STAR 1-4 events once they have attended STAR training.
STAR 1 Priorities & Process
STAR 1 - Overview An elements event skated in groups Creates a fun group environment without the anxiety of competition Coaches can remain on the ice with skaters Assessed against a standard by a team of 3 judges The focus is on fundamentals and assessment of key skills
Elements scored to standard (Gold, Silver, Bronze or Merit) 1) Stroking Exercise: Forward crosscuts on the centre circle in both directions. 2) Three Jumps: a) Waltz Jump b) Single Salchow c) Single Toe-Loop 3) Two Spins: a) Forward Upright Spin b) Backward Upright Spin 4) Forward Spiral Sequence: A sequence of two forward spirals with no more than 4 steps in between; one spiral on each foot, unassisted position. 5) Creative Expression Routine (30 seconds – music provided by the Section, selection randomly chosen at competition – each flight to have a different music selection) – assessed as “completed” only. STAR 1
STAR 1 – Priorities Stroking Exercise: –The beginning of good basic technique Jumps: –Fundamentals: rotation, air position & landing Spins: –Finding a balance point & controlling revolutions Spirals: –Basic spiral position, control & beginnings of flexibility Creative Expression Routine: –Attempting to skate to an unfamiliar piece of music
STAR 1 - Process In STAR 1 – the judges work as a team The Referee gives initial element assessment. Judge 2 records them on the marking sheet. If there is any disagreement, the judges discuss using a consensus model. The agreed upon assessment is entered on the marking sheet by Judge 2. The judges hand in the marking sheet An overall rating is calculated for each skater using the majority of assessments
STAR 1 - Element Assessment ElementsAssessment PointGOLDSILVERBRONZEMERIT Single Salchow Jump 1) Rotation completed in air Landed fully backwards Landed lacking up to ¼ rotation Landed lacking no more than ¼ rotation Lacking more than ¼ rotation or Fall 2) Jump flightGood height, distance & air position for level Reasonable height, distance & air position for level Jump lacking height, distance, weak air position for level Jump needs improvement in height, distance, air position for level 3) Length of landing2 seconds with good form & flow At least 1 second with form & flow 1 secondLess than 1 second Each element has 2-3 Assessment Points (STAR Technical Package) The judges consider each assessment point for an element The majority of ratings determines the overall assessment for the element Salchow is assessed as a Silver (2 Silver, 1 Gold = Majority for Silver)
STAR 1 – Marking Sheet Judge 3 records the Circle stroking time for Referee to consider in element assessment. The marking sheet is handed in to the Data Specialists.
STAR 1 – Assessment Notes Any assessment point rated Merit = no higher than a Bronze rating for element Any element with two or more assessment points scored at Merit = Merit rating for element The Backward Upright Spin has only 2 assessment points If the 2 nd assessment point is higher than the first, the final assessment is raised by one level If the 2 nd assessment point is lower than the first, the final assessment is lowered by one level
STAR 1 – Backward Upright Spin ElementsAssessment PointGOLDSILVERBRONZEMERIT Backward Upright Spin (1) Number of revolutions in the established spinning position on a back outside edge (note – a fall is considered as Merit for this criterion) At least 2 revolutions balanced on back outside edge At least 1 revolution balanced on back outside edge Balanced on back outside edge. Unable to maintain balance on back outside edge. ( 2) Balance, control and confidence in the spin demonstrated in centering Excellent for levelGood for level Satisfactory for level Needs Improvement for level In this example, as assessment point 2 is lower than assessment point one – the assessment lowers to a Bronze.
STAR 1 – Calculating Results
STAR 1 Recap Element based event where skaters are rated as Gold, Silver, Bronze or Merit Skaters do not have to start at STAR 1 – they may enter STAR at any level Sections may group skaters by age Creates a fun group environment The focus is on assessment of key skills
STAR 1 Standards Video To continue with the STAR 1 module and view the Standards Video for this level, please refer to the Skate Canada website.
STAR Events To find more information on the STAR requirements and how to plan for STAR events please consult the Skate Canada website. (Technical & Programs / LTAD / STAR 1-5 Pilot) STAR Technical Package: Contains elements and requirements and specific charts outlining standards and how overall assessments are calculated. STAR Event Management Guide: For Local Organizing Committees (LOC) and Technical Representatives. This contains event planning information, scheduling guidelines, ribbon purchasing guidelines, and sample marking sheets