EM Week 3 Winter 2013
Cases Each case: What ethical systems used? by the protagonist by other actors
Reading Maxwell “The Mission of Business” In what way(s) does he respond to Friedman? If so: »Are those responses convincing? this article hasn’t been very influential Would it be if it were widely known?
Identifying Ethical Systems
normative consequentialist 1.egoism 2.utilitarianism act-utilitarianism rule-utilitarianism non-consequentialist 3.Kantian 4.prima facie principles 5.moral rights should results motives
Identifying Ethical Systems should results 1.egoism 2.utilitarianism act-utilitarianism rule-utilitarianism best for me best for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb
Identifying Ethical Systems should results 1.best for me 2.best for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.Kantian 4.prima facie principles 5.moral rights reason
Identifying Ethical Systems should results 1.best for me 2.best for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights Egoism
1.Egoism misplaced attacks self-indulgence hedonism only pretending reasonable attacks not a moral theory psychological egoism not observed ignores “reality”
Identifying Ethical Systems should results 1.best for me 2.best for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights Utilitarianism
2.Utilitarianism in organizations clear & “straightforward” process “objective” criteria results-oriented
2.Utilitarianism criticisms workable? just? relentless? some acts just seem wrong
2.Utilitarianism 2 streams act utilitarianism case-by-case rule utilitarianism rule-of-thumb “judge codes, not actions”
Identifying Ethical Systems should results 1.best for me 2.best for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights Kant
3.Kant reason circumstances must be ignored intentions only duty universal application test
3.Kant “a categorical imperative” “means not ends”
3.Kant in organizations firm rules focus on individual motivation
3.Kant criticisms why only duty acceptable? no exceptions? what does “means not ends” mean?
Identifying Ethical Systems should results 1.best for me 2.best for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights prima facie principles
4.Prima Facie Principles 10 commandments love God; love others Golden Rule
4.Prima Facie Principles “everyone agrees on some basic rules” in hierarchy
4.Prima Facie Principles Ross 7 duties fidelity reparation gratitude justice beneficence self-improvement non-injury
4.Prima Facie Principles criticisms universal? what happens if someone disagrees? conflicting
Identifying Ethical Systems should results 1.best for me 2.best for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights moral rights
5.Moral Rights The Declaration of the Rights of Man Universal Declaration of Human Rights
5.Moral Rights understanding duties & rights positive rights & negative rights
5.Moral Rights criticisms what is on the list? who draws up the list? is eligible? is responsible? how much? rights contests
Baby M Egoism Act utilitarianism Rule utilitarianism Kant principles rights
Ford Pinto Egoism Act utilitarianism Rule utilitarianism Kant principles rights
Plasma International Egoism Act utilitarianism Rule utilitarianism Kant principles rights
Christianity = Moral Code ? Does being a Christian mean we must accept principle-based ethics as the only acceptable one? Which code? How interpreted? How binding? On who?
What To Do? every approach can be criticised organizations plural
Attempts at Synthesis Shaw & Barry Rachels Desjardins
Shaw & Barry obligations ideals effects propose a process outline options for each understand obligations ideals effects weigh
Shaw & Berry Ford Pinto obligationsideals Benefit shareholders Safety Customers Safety is good for business Don’t sell what you won’t buy optionseffectschoice Sell sell sell Fix it inform weigh.3.4
Shaw & Berry Ford Pinto obligationsideals 1: satisfy customers 2: safety 3: reputation 4: make profit 1: cost/benefit for company 2: make world a better place optionseffectschoice sell sell sell111C recall A fix it quietly1.51 B weigh.3.5.2
Shaw & Berry Plasma obligationsideals optionseffectschoice weigh
Shaw & Berry Plasma obligationsideals 1: Profit 2: Safety 3: Reputation 1: Cost/benefit 2: Better world 3: Beat out competitors 4: Save lives optionseffectschoice Don’t get into this business Pedal to the metal Fair trade in blood weigh.3.2.5
Rachels reason = weighing options “ought” responsibility consistency “[Racism] is an offence against morality because it is first an offense against reason.”
Rachels deserts if responsible then consequences are moral “We ought to act so as to promote impartially the interests of everyone alike, except when individuals deserve particular responses as a result of their own past behaviour.”
Rachels moral community time space species
Rachels apply to Ford Pinto Plasma International Does it work for you? Would it work in an organization?
DesJardins Aristotle phronesis