Re-Creation SCV.01 explain the relationship between Scripture and Divine Revelation (CCC § ); SCV.03 describe the development of oral and written traditions in Scripture using historical, literary and critical approaches; SCV.04 demonstrate a familiarity with and an ability to retell key biblical narratives that illustrate God’s faithful covenant relationship with a chosen people and the community’s response to this relationship; SCV.05 express connections between the relationships described in biblical events and their own life experiences. PFV.04 consider how religious faith is shaped by human experience PSV.01 use a variety of prayer forms to enrich and express personal and communal spirituality (CCC § , ); I will describe re-creation and the ways in which it demonstrates hope, reconciliation, and redemption.
Re-Creation Is a loving act which binds us in loving relationships 1. With God; 2. With ourselves; 3. With other people; 4. With other nations; 5. With nature. Rejects the bonds of love by placing obstacles in relationships 1. With God; 2. With ourselves; 3. With other people; 4. With other nations; 5. With nature. CreationDe-Creation
Re-Creation We are essentially good, weakened by sin and strengthened by grace… (Gaudium et Spes). The natural state of being is in loving relationships so even though sin alienates us from others there is always the hope that obstacles can be removed, relationships can be restored, and we can once again live in love.
Re-Creation In the same way that the creation and de-creation stories tell us about the people we were, are, and can be, the stories of re-creation describe how we can restore relationships. The remainder of the book of Genesis describes Re- Creation. The stories of the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph) describe how God calls the people to him once more.
What do you know about any of the following biblical figures: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph? Re-Creation
The stories of creation and de-creation are pre- historical (before people wrote down their stories). The stories of re-creation are quasi-historical (we don’t have records of the people but we do of the times and places in which they occur). Much of the rest of scripture is historical (it is written by people who close to the event; this does not mean it is to be interpreted literally).
Re-Creation Each of the Patriarchs encounter God and are called to a mission…a covenant. A covenant is a special, loving relationship in which God blesses the people and the people live as God desires. It is a loving relationship because it seeks to foster the good of the people in the context of their concrete situation. The covenant ‘re-creates’ the relationship between God and God’s people.
Re-Creation GOD God’s People God provides for the people The people follow God’s law God provides for the people The people follow God’s law Love means to seek and foster the good of others in the context of their concrete situation. How might God’s laws ‘grow’ our goodness? How can we ‘grow’ God’s goodness? Love means to seek and foster the good of others in the context of their concrete situation. How might God’s laws ‘grow’ our goodness? How can we ‘grow’ God’s goodness? A covenant is always a loving relationship otherwise it is simply a contract or agreement.
Re-Creation ? ? ? ? What other covenants can you think of? What other covenants can you think of? Love means to seek and foster the good of others in the context of their concrete situation. How might this covenant grow goodness? Love means to seek and foster the good of others in the context of their concrete situation. How might this covenant grow goodness? A covenant is always a loving relationship otherwise it is simply a contract or agreement.
Re-Creation The Story of Abraham: What are the main events of the story? What other stories are we told? Called by God Sarai and Hagar Ishmael and Isaac Cutting the covenant The test on the mountain.
Re-Creation The big ideas in the story of Abraham: 1. We are called to be in a special relationship with God. 2. We are called to have faith in God. 3. We are marked as special by God. 4. We are called to loving trust. 5. We are asked to be in a constant struggle for good. 6. We are asked to have faith in times of darkness. Faith in God requires love, trust, choice, and perseverance.
Re-Creation Story of Isaac: Blessed by God Marries Rebecca Jacob and Esau Blessing Jacob The big ideas in the story of Isaac: 1. We are not called to be saints but faithful people; 2. We are not called to be puppets; 3. We should be mindful of the gifts that we are given; 4. God works through us in our concrete situation.
Re-Creation The story of Jacob: The stairway to heaven; Wrestling the angel; Seeing Rachel, marrying Leah Having twelve sons The big ideas in the story of Jacob: 1. We are chosen as a special people because of love; 2. We need to persevere for what is right; 3. We need to be faithful to God’s love.
Re-Creation The story of Joseph: What are the main events of the story? The big ideas from the story of Joseph: 1. Jealousy breaks loving relationships; 2. We are all called for a purpose; 3. God cares, in a special way, for those who love him; 4. Even God’s people make bad choices but are welcome back.
Re-Creation After the story of Joseph, we leave the book of Genesis and begin the book of Exodus: the story of the Israelites in Egypt, their slavery, their freedom via Moses, the giving of the Ten Commandments, and their wandering in the desert their entry into the promised land.
Re-Creation The Ten Commandments become the clearest articulation of the law of the Covenant and describe what would be ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ for the Jewish people until Jesus came. Jesus came to fulfill the law but also to open the covenant to all people, not just the Jews. As the covenant re-created the Jewish relationship with God, Jesus re-creates ours whenever we sin.
Re-Creation Write a paragraph describing a time that you have sinned and re-created in relationship, being sure to describe and apply each of the key learnings: 1. Was it a personal or social sin, a sin of commission or omission, a mortal or venial sin? 2. From which relationships were you alienated? 3. How were you reconciled or re-created in relationship? 4. Why was this re-creation important?
Re-Creation KnowledgeThinkingApplicationCommunication I can use the appropriate terms and concepts from the module. I can identify the importance of the ideas and concepts from the module. I can connect the ideas from the module to my own life. I can use proper style and grammar to write a paragraph. Write a paragraph describing a time that you have sinned and re-created in relationship, being sure to describe and apply each of the key learnings.