1 Getting Started: Applying ATLAS.ti and NESSTAR WebView to the LibQUAL+® Results at UBC Library by Margaret Friesen, Assessment Librarian, University of British Columbia Library ®
2 The Environment UBC Vancouver Campus 9 libraries on campus, 5 off campus Barber (IKBLC) Koerner
3 nearly 50,000 students 3,500 faculty 9,000 graduate students 6,000 international students 300 library staff
4 LibQUAL respondents Transition to Online program Liaison services Teaching and learning programs People Undergrads – generally satisfactory ? Grads/faculty – Information Control concerns ? Place concerns
5 369 comments 126 separate codes 3656 snippets (quotations) What and why? Exploring themes (ATLAS.ti)
6 ATLAS.ti ® Workspaces Survey comments Coding Relationships Query tool
7 The Process Coding the comments Comments Add codes Frustrated? iterative
8 The Process: analysing the codes - code frequencies-code families Surprise 1 22 codes
9 The Process: Output to Theme Teams Query Report “17journals” 13 (quotations) found for Query Codes: [10e-res access] [11libweb][17journals][AppSci][Grad]…. Quotation: …but sometimes I have difficulty finding proceedings…published in journals
10 What and Why? Theme Teams’ Process Identify main concerns
11 What and Why? The one big idea = Findability Resources (content, access to) People (in person, expertise) Places (physical access) Information ( help in person, website)
12 Who? where? (NESSTAR WebView)* Streamlines finding/accessing/analyzing statistical information Anyone can use Search survey/variable Any statistics program User defined variables (Surprise 2!) Layers Subsets Filters Output *Networked Social Science Tools and Resources (NESSTAR) Norwegian Social Science Data Services NSD -web-based software to publish/share statistical data
13 Customizing the data and output User defined variables Layers (UBC-V) Subsets (branch-Koerner) Filters (disc – sciences; users-ug’s) Output Data
14 The Process: 2 tools (ATLAS.ti, NESSTAR) + 4 theme teams = clear message from users Thank you ! “make it easier to find” info/people resources places