Changes to the Provincial Exam
Previously, the Provincial was written in 2 sittings: a morning session (2 ½ hours) and an afternoon session (2 hours) Previously, the Provincial was written in 2 sittings: a morning session (2 ½ hours) and an afternoon session (2 hours) What’s New for 2009–2010 What’s New for 2009–2010 The 2009–2010 English 12 and English/Communications 12 examinations will be written over one morning (2½ to 3 hours). The 2009–2010 English 12 and English/Communications 12 examinations will be written over one morning (2½ to 3 hours).
Reading is 50% of the exam and writing is 50% of the exam. Reading is 50% of the exam and writing is 50% of the exam. The examinations are divided into five sections rather than six: The examinations are divided into five sections rather than six:
Three reading sections rather than four. Three reading sections rather than four. Prose (short story/information text). (18 questions rather than 25) Prose (short story/information text). (18 questions rather than 25) Poetry (6 questions rather than 10) Poetry (6 questions rather than 10) Visual Media (6 questions rather than 10) Visual Media (6 questions rather than 10) Two writing sections. Two writing sections. Essay of a minimum of 300 words Essay of a minimum of 300 words A letter of a minimum of 250 words A letter of a minimum of 250 words
Reading is marked out of 15 (each question valued at 0.5 points). However, this is atill 50% of your final examination grade. Reading is marked out of 15 (each question valued at 0.5 points). However, this is atill 50% of your final examination grade. Writing is marked out of 15: Writing is marked out of 15: Essay out of 10 Essay out of 10 Letter out of 5 Letter out of 5 However,writing is still 50% of your grade. However,writing is still 50% of your grade.
The questions: Multiple Choice Some of your questions will be multiple choice… and you will need a pencil for these (you will have a bubble sheet to fill in). Some of your questions will be multiple choice… and you will need a pencil for these (you will have a bubble sheet to fill in). Do not panic about which letter you are picking; focus on the answer…. Do not panic about which letter you are picking; focus on the answer….
Why do I tell you this?? The order of the answers in a multiple choice question are alphabetical…. The order of the answers in a multiple choice question are alphabetical…. Example… Example… Which of the following best describes the mother as she is described in the story? Which of the following best describes the mother as she is described in the story? A. Controlling A. Controlling B. Impractical B. Impractical C. Moody C. Moody D. Protective D. Protective
The questions: Short Answer Some will be short answer. Some will be short answer. Your teacher is looking that you get the correct answer. You will not be marked on spelling, but the answer needs to be understood by the teacher. Your teacher is looking that you get the correct answer. You will not be marked on spelling, but the answer needs to be understood by the teacher.
The writing stuff…. You will be writing an essay and a letter… You will be writing an essay and a letter… The essay is a suggested min length of 300 words The essay is a suggested min length of 300 words The letter is a suggested min. length of 250 words The letter is a suggested min. length of 250 words
Evaluation: Evaluation: Your essay must present your own thoughts. It will be evaluated according to the following criteria: Your essay must present your own thoughts. It will be evaluated according to the following criteria: completion of the task as assigned (e.g., use of essay format) completion of the task as assigned (e.g., use of essay format) thought and detail thought and detail organization organization matters of correctness (e.g., sentence construction, usage/“grammar,” and mechanics) matters of correctness (e.g., sentence construction, usage/“grammar,” and mechanics) matters of choice (e.g., appropriate and effective language) matters of choice (e.g., appropriate and effective language)
Marking the essay and the letter…. Your essay and letter should be done with your best possible effort. Your essay and letter should be done with your best possible effort. They are marked using the rubrics your teacher has used throughout the semester They are marked using the rubrics your teacher has used throughout the semester They are marked as ROUGH drafts, written during an examination setting They are marked as ROUGH drafts, written during an examination setting
Remember…. This exam is a skills-based exam. You have been working on these skills for the past three years…you can do this exam. This exam is a skills-based exam. You have been working on these skills for the past three years…you can do this exam. All you need to bring to the exam is the following: All you need to bring to the exam is the following: A pencil A pencil PENS (yes, more than one… that actually work) PENS (yes, more than one… that actually work) Dictionary (you are allowed to look words up!!) Dictionary (you are allowed to look words up!!)
Actual practicing teachers help build the exam, which is tested on actual students to make sure it is as fair as possible. Actual practicing teachers help build the exam, which is tested on actual students to make sure it is as fair as possible. This exam is designed for you to be able to show us what you can do… So… This exam is designed for you to be able to show us what you can do… So… Take a deep breath and do your best.