Information Technology in organizations Lab sessions : Access 1 Creating the database Library
Information Technology in Organizations ( ) Lab session 1 Situation Your neighborhood library needs a new information system to improve its performance of loan management. Recently the members were complaining about the fines for the delays. Moreover, the bookkeeper is unable to answer their questions about book delays. As you are a good Samaritan and active member of the library, you propose a design for the data base in order to keep track of books.
Information Technology in Organizations ( ) Lab session 1 The situation Name, FirstName, Address, telephone, Member birth date Book title, purchase date, purchase price, book type, Key-words, Name and FirstName of authors, birth and death date Loans, delays and fines Key words
Information Technology in Organizations ( ) Lab session 1 A more complete solution: Member Author MemberCode FirstName Name Address Telephone BirthDate ISBN Title Key-words Type AuthorCode FirstName Name BirthDate DeathDate are written by (1,N) writes (1,N) Involves (1,1) takes out (0,N) Book Loan are involved in (0,N) are made by (1,1) CopyNo PurchaseDate Price Copy is of (1,1) Has (1,N) LoanId LoanDate ReturnDate Fine
Information Technology in Organizations ( ) Lab session 1 Exercice to do : Create the table Member with the corresponding fields. Set the type of data to be entered in each field. Check the properties of fields. Identify the field or fields for the primary key. Create the other tables. Insert a few data in each table. Determine the relations between tables. Visualise the structure.