The Wireless Writing Program Making a Difference to Learning
Vision What can we do differently to improve the life chances and opportunities of all our students? Our Hopes and Dreams Our Hopes and Dreams Would it have an Impact? Would it have an Impact? The Left Handed Boy.... The Left Handed Boy.... The Importance of Data
Our Goal If we as a District integrate laptop technology deeply into the curriculum and focus our project around the BC Performance Standards for teacher inservice and student self-assessment......then it is reasonable to expect that students will improve in written expression......and we will know they have changed by students attitudes towards writing (Surveys), Writing Samples (District Data), and Standardized Tests (Provincial FSA).
Data Collection Impromptu writing samples Teacher, Student and Parent Surveys Classroom visits Teacher action research Video interviews Portfolios of writing
Students entering high school without effective writing skills often fail to improve after grade 7. Success in high school and beyond is strongly associated with communication skills. Why at the Grade 6 and 7 Level?
Wireless Writing has Improved Student Achievement.
Student Growth In Writing Ministry FSA Grade 7 Number of Students Meeting Expectations
2 Year Cohort Followed 377 students through Grade 6 and 7 Examined 4 pieces of writing from 231 students who wrote over grade 6 and 7. Compared writing to Grade 6 and Grade 7 Provincial Performance Standards
Over two years At the end of grade 7, students sustained or exceeded the performance levels they achieved for grade 6 even though the standards were more rigorous and the expectations higher. In terms of grade-level standards, after two years in the WWP (i.e., comparing fall of grade 6 with spring of grade 7): approximately 20% more students met at least basic expectations (from 74% to 95%); approximately 30% more fully met or exceeded expectations (from 25% to 55%) While the pattern is similar for all aspects of writing, the greatest improvement appears for form/organization; then meaning. The smallest changes are in style and conventions. These results are consistent with those from other years. (Jeroski, 2009)
Gender Differences From the beginning of grade 6 to the end of grade 7, the percent of boys meeting expectations increased from 64% to 92%; girls, 83% to 97%. The percent of boys fully meeting or exceeding expectations increased from 18% to 41%; girls, from 32% to 70%. Because they entered the WWP with substantially higher scores, it is not surprising that the gains for girls are at the top end of the scale. In the second year of the program, boys sustained the growth from the first year; girls continued to improve; for this sample of students, the difference between boys and girls was slightly greater after two years in the WWP. (Jeroski, 2009)
Pattern of Achievement (Jeroski, 2009)
Student Performance (Jeroski, 2009)
Student’s Attitudes Toward Writing Have Improved.
Results Improved student writing More positive attitudes to school Strong parent support Enthusiastic teacher – strong belief that achievement improved Desirable changes in teaching practices
21st Century Skills Digital Age Literacy Inventive Thinking Effective Communication High Productivity Collaboration
Wireless Writing : It’s About Learning
What are we doing about Safety? PLNet provides a Websense content filter in school, Some ISPs have filters for home Teacher training Acceptable Use Agreement Check History School specific policies Remote Desktop Cybersafe videos for search: cyber
What can I do at home to keep my child safe online? Follow and enforce the AUA Talk about social responsibility online Laptop use should always be with a parent present, never in a bedroom or alone Create your own online presence and have your child show you how Institute the online “Friend” rule… Only people you would say hi to on the street and your parents have met.
Physical Safety of Laptop Don’t leave it unattended Don’t leave it in a car during the cold weather Always operate on a hard surface that allows ventilation. Soft materials can block the airflow vents and cause it to overheat. (don’t leave them running unattended on couches, bed etc) Always shut down your laptop when placed in a carry bag. Do not cover cords with clothes, blankets, rugs etc. Keep the pets and vacuum cleaners away from cords! Report any damage to your teacher immediately (especially to power adapters).
Parent Paper Work All Parents / Guardians and Students need to sign the District Acceptable Use Agreement. (Either Take-Home or At-School Agreement) Parents also need to sign the laptop serial number form that explains any charges due to loss or breakage. Parents will need to pay the $67 Rental if they choose to have the laptop go home. Students will be issued a Laptop Backpack and a power adapter for home use after the number of students paying have been provided to Technology Services by the school.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE WIRELESS WRITING PROGRAM CONTACT: Jarrod Bell Principal of Technology Twitter: http://