Air Transport Association of Canada A presentation by John McKenna ATAC President and CEO
ATAC’S OBJECTIVE ATAC’s policy is to promote SMS and to facilitate Canadian air operators in the implementation of an SMS that is appropriate for the size and complexity of their operation and in compliance with the CARs. ATAC has committed significant resources to assist small and medium sized Canadian commercial aviation companies towards successful SMS implementation. 2
ATAC’S SMS TOOL KIT AND GUIDE ATAC has created an SMS Tool Kit and Guide based on the premise that “SMS adds value to your company” A year spent in the elaboration of the concept of the type of SMS in a smaller organization and the tools and services required to help the smaller operator. A twofold challenge: to design an SMS Model that would meet TC’s requirements,; and to come up with a Guide which would accepted by the smaller organization. Our purpose today is to present to you the underlying assumptions, approaches and concepts and tools that we believe will define, and help implement and maintain a compliant SMS in a small organization. 3
Risk Profile and Performance Measurement Combining Performance Measurement, Management Review and Quality Assurance 4 10/5/2014 Combining Elements and Components 4
Combining SMS Documentation and Records Management Reduce confusion in small organizations Improve safety performance sooner Reduce TC validation resource requirements 5 10/5/2014 Combining Reactive and Proactive Processes 5
Non-punitive policy vs Just Culture Not a “Get out of jail free” Not the reality Not to assess blame Limited Liability-Limited Control Violations vs Non-compliance 6 10/5/2014 Non-punitive Reporting Policy 6
Information essential for safe operations and an effective SMS Creations of processes and procedures that effectively identify, distribute and update this information Reduces SMS complexity 7 10/5/2014 Critical Safety Information 7
Identification of hazards that led/might lead to an occurrence Call human factors, organizational factors, workplace factors, unsafe conditions, contributing factors, causes, and root causes etc simply hazards for clarity 8 10/5/2014 Simplification of Lexicon 8
Avoid any confusion between TC safety oversight role and SMS requirements Risk Management System term includes: Reporting Investigation & analysis Corrective action development (TC safety oversight) Corrective action implementation (TC safety oversight) Improvement opportunities Positive feedback 9 10/5/2014 Safety Oversight vs Risk Management System Safety Oversight vs Risk Management System 9
Quality Control freedom from error = safety Quality Assurance effective processes free of errors = safety Safety Assurance (freedom from harm) elimination of occurrences = safety focused sub-set of QA 10 10/5/2014 QA, QC, and Safety Assurance 10
11 10/5/2014 Why Safety Assurance Risk of Error Experience levels Technical Sophistication Operating Environment Size and Complexity QMS elements included 11
12 10/5/2014 Trend Analysis Statistical Viability Qualitative Approach Quantitative Approach Numbers of Occurrences Changes in Safety Culture 12
Hazard Register and Risk Profile development Safety Assurance Program One phase for implementation of reactive and proactive processes 13 10/5/2014 Implementation Requirements 13
Combined Performance Measurement, Management Review, and QA Combine Implementation of Reactive and Proactive Processes Combine SMS and QM Just Culture vs Non-Punitive Reporting 14 10/5/2014 New Concepts Summary (1) 14
Critical Safety Information Simplified Lexicon Safety Oversight vs Risk Management Safety Assurance Trend Analysis Hazard Registry/Risk Profile Requirement 15 10/5/2014 New Concepts Summary (2) 15
ATAC GUIDANCE SERVICES The ATAC SMS Implementation Guidance Services include such components as: SMS implementation guidance documents; Group and individual SMS implementation guide training; SMS implementation consultation services; An ATAC Crisis Management Consultation Committee; and, Representation at a proposed “Joint Transport Canada and Industry SMS Implementation Advisory Board“. 16
Implementation workflow checklist All processes in flow charts Detailed breakdown of flowchart Templates Training program for implementers Operational support Integrated Gap Analysis and Coherence Matrix Toolbox components 17
Emergency Response Manual System Safety Manual Quality Manual Coherence Matrix Forms SAMPLE MANUALS 18
Workshop as part of the toolbox package Will be scheduled at various locations across the country 2 to 3 day workshop On line or onsite support available Training & Support 20