The State of the Corporation Youth Parliament of Manitoba Annual General Meeting - 18 March 2007 Katie Szilagyi, Premier (Chairperson)
Outline 1.What is the SOTC address? 2.Why is the address important? 3.The State of the Corporation 4.Goals and Benchmarks 5.Conclusion
What is the SOTC? The State of the Corporation (SOTC) address is a speech by the Premier at the AGM. The SOTC outlines the current state of affairs and future direction for the members of YPM.
Why give the address? To share our plan for the upcoming year To define our goals We are answerable to you!
So, what is the state of our Corporation? Success in 2006: Executive “re-birth” By means of two Millennium Grants: Investigated our history Developed Cabinet Retreat Realization of Skownan project Rural development goals First ever Spring Session (27-29 April 2007) Active Rural Caucus
So, what is the state of our Corporation? Challenges in 2006: Low registration for 85th Session Limited success in fundraising Recognized loss of “institutional memory”
Goals for YPM86 Membership Recruitment Fundraising and Capital Campaign Professionalization Personal Development
Goals for YPM86 1. Membership Recruitment Build Partnerships with Allies More Advertising Dream Initiative: Promotional Video!
Benchmarks of Success 1. Membership Recruitment 70 members at 86th Winter Session Database of Allies: 50 high school teachers 15 MLAs Participate in 3 recruitment events
Goals for YPM86 2. Fundraising and Capital Campaign New Corporate Development Cabinet Position Enhance Fundraising Capabilities Develop Infrastructure for Capital Campaign
Benchmarks of Success 2. Fundraising and Capital Campaign Establish Minister of Corporate Development Conduct feasibility study on capital campaign Develop framework for contributions Begin campaign Increase fundraising revenues to $2000
Goals for YPM86 3. Professionalization Strategic Planning Preserving Institutional Memory Promotional Materials
Benchmarks of Success 3. Professionalization Establish BoD policy manual Enhance online resources: Create YPM Wiki Re-launch YPM website Create and distribute YPM brochure
Goals for YPM86 4. Personal Development Cabinet Enhancing leadership capacity and specific abilities Establish committees (e.g. Fundraising Committee) Improved “Personal Development” modules at meetings Social Events Broaden scope of events: YPM Does “…..” Social networking: YPM on Facebook Increase awareness of social and community issues
Benchmarks of Success Theme 4: Personal Development Conduct four development modules at cabinet meetings Host more regular YPM social events (6 total) Establish two YPM committees Membership Recruitment Committee Fundraising Committee
How You Can Help Join committees! Attend events! Apply to cabinet! Executive can’t do it alone! You are the members! We need you!
Conclusion Recognized successes and challenges Goals set for new initiatives 2007: Already a bright horizon Planning for Spring Session well underway Enhanced relationships with other YPs in Canada