2 BIHTEK – Benchmarking as a Tool for Improvement of Higher Education Performance BIHTEK – Benchmarking as a Tool for Improvement of Higher Education Performance No: TEMPUS BE-TEMPUS-SMGR QA Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina Partners: BiH public universities, agencies and ministries of education EU: Belgium, Germany, Spain + CEENQA) Duration: 36 months (November 2012 – November 2015) Total budget: 1,043, € (EU grant 938, €) CEENQA part: 66, € (28, € for staff costs, 32, € for mobility, € for printing, and 4, € for ovreheads) Ongoing project
3 ALIGN – Achieving and Checking the Alignment Between Academic Programs and Qualification Frameworks ALIGN – Achieving and Checking the Alignment Between Academic Programs and Qualification Frameworks No: –TEMPUS–1 2013–1–AM-JPGR 26 partners in total: Armenia, Russian Federation and Ukraine – universities, ministries, agencies + EU partners: - universities from Germany, Poland, UK, Belgium, Ireland + CEENQA Duration: 36 months Total budget: 1,266, € (EU grant 1,139, €) CEENQA part: 111, € (67, € for staff cost, 36, € for mobility, € for printing and publishing and 7, € for overheads) Projects applications 1
4 BHQFHE – Bosnia and Herzegovina Qualification Framework for Higher Education BHQFHE – Bosnia and Herzegovina Qualification Framework for Higher Education No: –TEMPUS–1 2013–1–DE-TEMPUS-SMHES Partners: BiH universities, ministries and agency + EU partners: - universities from Germany, Croatia, UK and Ireland + CEENQA Duration: 36 months Total budget: 1,139, € (EU grant 1,025, €) CEENQA part: 25, € (23, € for mobility, and 1, € for overheads) Projects applications 2
5 DORHE – Development of Regional Higher Education Platform DORHE – Development of Regional Higher Education Platform No: –TEMPUS–1 2013–1–BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 19 partners: universities, ministries and agencies from BiH, Albania and Montenegro + EU partners: - universities from Spain, Sweden, Austria and Germany + CEENQA Duration: 36 months Total budget: 936, € (EU grant 843, €) CEENQA part: 12, € (11, € for mobility, and 833,00 € for overheads) Projects applications 3
6 GOFEQ – E-governance framework in HEI's to enhance quality assurance of strategic management in Western Balkan GOFEQ – E-governance framework in HEI's to enhance quality assurance of strategic management in Western Balkan No: –TEMPUS–1-2013–1–BE-JPGR Partners: universities, ministries and agencies from BiH and Montenegro + EU partners: - universities from Germany, Belgium, Spain and Croatia + CEENQA Duration: 36 months Total budget: 1,171, € (EU grant 1,054, €) CEENQA part: 50, € (22, € for staff cost, 25, € for mobility, € for printing and 3, € for overheads) Projects applications 4
7 ERASMUS FOR ALL the new EU program for education, training, youth and sport New EU policy
8 OLD PROGRAMSNEW PROGRAM International higher education programs: Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink Bilateral Programs:Grundtvig, Erasmus, Leonardo, Comenius Lifelong Learning Program Youth in Action Program ERASMUS FOR ALL key action 1 Learning Mobility key action 2 Co- operation projects key action 3 Policy Support ERASMUS FOR ALL (E4A): 19 bilion € over 7 years ( ), included 1,8 bilion € for external dimension
9 DEGREE MOBILITY: Higher education mobility for EU and non-EU students and staff through funding of excellent joint Master degrees and related scholarships. Continuation of current action 1 of Erasmus Mundus, joint Masters and related scholarships based on excellence. Joint doctorates moved to Marie Curie Action. Managed by EACEA. Open to the world. Open for joint calls. CREDIT MOBILITY: Credit mobility at all levels based on bilateral agreements between universities. Full integration intra-EU/ international. Incoming and outgoing mobility based on university agreements. For students and staff. Managed by National Agencies. Open to the world, based on EU external policy priorities. E4A Key Action 1 : Learning mobility of individuals
10 SPECIAL ACTION FOR NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES: Combining capacity building and mobility. Joint projects based on multilateral partnerships between higher education institutions from the EU and Neighboring countries. Joint projects between EU and partner countries for capacity building (curriculum modernization, staff training, modern teaching, governance, etc.) with in-built mobility. Based on integration of Tempus and Erasmus Mundus (action 2) CAPACITY BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS WITH HEI FROM ASIA, LATIN AMERICA AND AFRICA: Joint projects between EU and partner countries (incl. Triangular cooperation) for capacity building, based on experience from Alfa and Edulink E4A Key Action 2 : Cooperation
11 Policy dialogue with selected third countries and international organizations, to i.a. foster exchange between parties on issues of common interest Promotion event, international fairs… E4A Key Action 3 : Support for policy reform
12 EU projects could help in institutional and capacity building of CEENQA on its way from a network to the organization (strengthening the organization by increaseing of activities and networking) Professionalization: for dealing with projects, CEENQA need new staff – could be paid from a few projects – synergy effect Lessons learned from the BIHTEK: better commitment of member agencies is required Participating in CEENQA Project will bring benefits for the member agency and all persons involved (time is paid, mobility costs are paid, new connections and contacts, opportunity for learning, etc.) CONCLUSIONS