Introduction to classes Sangeetha Parthasarathy 06/11/2001
OOPs Concepts OOPs encapulates data(attributes) and methods (behaviours) into objects. Objects have the property of information hiding. This means that implementation details are hidden within the object themselves. Java programmers concentrate on creating their own user- defined types called classes. Classes are also referred as programmer-defined types.
Introduction to classes Each class contains data as well as the set of methods that manipulate the data. The data components of a class are called as instance variables. The methods or functions are called as interfaces.
Class Scope The class instance variables and methods belong to that classs scope. Outside a classs scope, the members are accessible not by class name but by the object name. The class members which are public are accessible by using the object name. The class members which are private are accessible by public methods.
Controlling access to members The are four member access modifiers: public, private, protected and default. Public modifier: The members with this specifier are accessible everywhere. Private modifier: The members with this specifier are accessible only within the class. Protected modifier: Member with this modifier are accessible in all the child classes in any package. Default: The member are accessible within the default package.
Access specifier of class There are two access specifiers for a class: Default – The specifier as default for a class is subclasses only for the classes within the same package. Public – This specifier is accessible anywhere.
Inner class The inner class are defined within the top-level class. The top-level class have rights to all the members of the inner class irrespective of the access specifier. The top-level class have rights to the class irrespective of the class being public, private, protected or default. The inner class can be static or final. The inner class members can be accessed by using the outer class object.inner class objectname.inner class variable name. A static inner class need not be instantiated. But an object should be specified.
The structure of the inner class is: public class outerclass {//Start of outerclass innerclass i //Data member of outerclass public class innerclass {//Start of innerclass int a=10; }//End of innerclass public static void main(String args[]) { outerclass o=new outerclass(); o.i.a=10; } }//End of outerclass
An example of inner class public class outerClass { // private innerClass x; The private innerClass methods can be accessed in main by using the outer class object //protected innerClass x; The private innerClass methods can be accessed in main by using the outer class object //public innerClass x; The public innerClass methods can be accessed in main by using the outer class object innerClass x;
public class innerClass { //private int a; The private innerClass data members can be accessed in main by using the outer class object //public int a; The public innerClass data members can be accessed in main by using the outer class object //protected int a; The protected innerClass data members can be accessed in main by using the outer class object private int a; //The default innerClass data members can be accessed in main by using the outer class object innerClass() { a=9; } public void print() { System.out.println("\n\n\t\tA in inner class is: "+a); }
outerClass() { x=new innerClass(); //x.a=10; - This is possible as outer class can have access to inner class //data members whether private, public or protected. } public static void main(String args[]) { outerClass o=new outerClass(); o.x.print(); o.x.a=10; o.x.print(); //x.a=10 - This is not possible as x is a non-static reference to a member //x.print(); - This is not possible as x is a non-static reference to a member }
Embedded Class A class can be embedded in another class. The structural diagram of an embedded class is: public class topClass { public static void main(String args[]) { } class embeddedClass { }
Embedded classes cannot be public, private or protected. It can only be default as there can be only one class with the access specifiers. Embedded class is local to the top-level class. If the class in which the embedded class exists is inherited from, the entire is the parent for the child class. A class should be embedded only if this is applicable to the top-level class.
An Embedded class example public class embedClass { innerClass i; public void print() { i.print(); } public static void main(String args[]) { embedClass o=new embedClass(); o.print(); }
class innerClass //Embedded class cannot be protected, private or public. //Only the class that contains main can have other access specifiers. { static int a=9; innerClass() { a=11; } public static void print() { System.out.println("\n\n\t\tA in inner class is: "+a); }
Anonymous class Anonymous class is the object of the class passed in the function. The structural diagram is: public class m { } public class m1 { public void print( m x) { } public static void main(String args[]) { m1 x1=new m1(); x1.print(new m()); }
Anonymous class can also be an embedded class in the top- level class.