Geological activities – University of Winnipeg Ed Cloutis Department of Geography University of Winnipeg
Background University of Winnipeg is too small to have a stand-alone geology department University of Winnipeg is too small to have a stand-alone geology department Nevertheless, a number of faculty are engaged in geological research Nevertheless, a number of faculty are engaged in geological research Examples below Examples below
Red/Assiniboine River Flood Reconstruction Based on written and other proxy records (Bill Rannie) Based on written and other proxy records (Bill Rannie)
Mapping Historic Wetlands Satellite imagery and DEMs to reconstruct location of historic wetlands Satellite imagery and DEMs to reconstruct location of historic wetlands
Soil Moisture from Satellite Data Microwave satellite data and imagery for soil moisture mapping Microwave satellite data and imagery for soil moisture mapping SMAP satellite data SMAP satellite data
Paleoclimate/paleoenvironment from isotopic data
Diamond indicator mineral analysis
Oil sand analysis
Hard rock drill core analysis
Asteroid geological mapping
Mars geological mapping
Asteroid sample return mission OSIRIS-REx (NASA – CSA) OSIRIS-REx (NASA – CSA)