This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Physical Activity Presentations prepared by: Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division, Public Affairs, Prevention June V4
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. How we’re fighting cancer doing everything we can to prevent cancer funding research to outsmart cancer empowering, informing and supporting Canadians living with cancer advocating for public policies to improve the health of Canadians rallying Canadians to get involved in the fight against cancer
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. The good news is ….. About half of all cancers can be prevented through healthy living and policies that protect the health of Canadians.
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Agenda Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention What does Physical Activity mean? oTypes of activity Benefits of Physical Activity Getting started Overcoming barriers
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Research shows that overall up to 35% of all cancers can be prevented by being active, eating well and maintaining a healthy body weight. Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention Regular physical activity can help protect against certain types of cancer such as: colorectal breast uterine
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Regular physical activity also helps to maintain a healthy body weight – yet another way it may help to reduce your risk of cancer! Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. What does physical activity mean? Any body movement that works your muscles and uses more energy than you use when you're resting Physical activity can be done at home, at work, getting to and from work, or in your leisure time. Can be vigorous, moderate or light in intensity
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Examples of activity Light Activity Moderate Activity Vigorous Activity Walking or playing ball with your kids Gardening Yoga, Tai Chi, or easy stretching Water aerobics, brisk walking, or hiking Cycling, swimming, or down hill skiing Cross-country skiing Fast dancing, aerobics class, or jogging Running marathons or playing hockey
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. But is yoga and gardening enough? Being active means doing a variety of movements Endurance activities Strength activities Flexibility activities
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Move it all around… Stand up
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Fitness and Health Being active: Reduces your risk of cancer and other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Keeps your heart healthy. Makes your bones and muscles stronger. Helps you feel better about yourself.
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Get Active. Your Way. Everyday. Source: Health Canada, Canada’s Physical Activity Guide
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Goals to work towards Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend: Children and Youth (5-17yrs) At least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity each day. This should include: Vigorous intensity activities at least 3 days per week Activities that strengthen muscle and bone at least 3 times per week
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Goals to work towards Canada’s Physical Activity Guide recommends: Adults (18+) At least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week in bouts of 10 minutes or more. It is also beneficial to add muscle and bone strengthening activities at least 2 times per week.
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. BUT… how do I fit physical activity into my busy life?
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Avoid the elevator. Take the stairs. Take a walk at lunch. Don’t drive to work… even taking transit helps. Stretch throughout the day. Walk to a co-worker’s office – don’t just . Make play-time with your kids physical. Make physical activity a social thing.
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. Step up to the challenge and reduce your cancer risk!
This grey area will not appear in your presentation. For the most up-to-date information: visit call the Canadian Cancer Society Cancer Information Service at Thank you! Presentation prepared by: Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division, Public Affairs, Prevention June 2010