World war II and the USA Chapter 29
Sec1– world affairs ( ) Good neighbour policy Germany Italy japan Appeasement Neutrality Isolationism “it’s a terrible thing to look over your shoulder when you’re trying to lead – and find no one there.” FDR
Triple axis
Section 2 – moving closer to war G invasion of p Us’ reaction P, D, PW, D+N, B+N, F, R, north africa etc Elect of FDR re-elected Lendlease policy – US would “lend” good to britain, they could return or replace them after the war USA would defend its supply ships against nazi u-boats
Section 2 – moving closer to war Agression in the pacific Japan had taken over manchuria, china, se asia, Sept, 1940 – us embargo on scrap metal and other possible military uses to japan All trade is halted with japan when they refused to stop their policy of conquest. Tojo – new japanese pm FDR thought that war was inevitable Nov 26 th, 1941 – armada of ships sets sail for pearl harbor, hawaii
Section 3 – the usa at war Pearl harbor 5 battleships 3 destroyers 250 airplanes 4500 killed or wounded War on japan, germany and italy is declared 2 theatres of war War in europe War in pacific
Japan’s early victories ( guam, wake island, hong kong, singapore, thailand, bataan, burma, east indies) Usa’s key victories ( coral sea, midway, guadalcanal, iwo jima, okinawa ) Island hopping Page 822 Hiroshima and nagasaki
War in europe German victories north africa, russia etc Turning point – stalingrad Allied victories – north africa, sicily, italy, normandy, rhine, berlin Italy surrenders Germany surrenders Nazi holocaust
Wartime diplomacy The big three Casablanca, morroco Cairo, egypt Yalta conference Roosevelt’s death United nations
Section 4 - homefront Wartime production Rosie the riveter and women Financing the war – war bonds, income tax, etc Rationing Social changes Treatment of Japanese americans
Word jumble ssmoolatiin Isolationism ntmppseeaa Appeasement Riplet sixa Triple axis tihrel Hitler yitlnuenar Neutrality kirgbltzie Blitzkreig eelaseldn Lend lease andynorm Normandy shamorishi Hiroshima toolsveer Roosevelt manrut truman