Quality time Time during which one focuses on or dedicates oneself to a person or activity. Time that is set aside for activities which you consider important. "When you decide to spend time with your family watching TV, you decide... not to spend quality time with your family"
Quality time Time during which one focuses on or dedicates oneself to a person or activity. Example from the Bible?? The Samaritan woman
1)A father is rolling a ball to his two years old child while talking on the phone. 2)A husband is talking to his wife while watching the TV. Which of the following situations would you consider Quality time?
is the time where we provide focus attention to the other person where we: 1) Care about each other. 2) Enjoy being with each other. 3) Like to do things together. Quality time? Focused attention
Will need a quality conversation Which focus on what we are hearing? Sharing experiences and desires in a friendly uninterrupted way. Quality time
Quality conversation Example: A wife talked to her husband about a repeated problem at her work for the last four days. The husband give her his opinion and how to solve the problem. What should the husband do the fifth day?
Quality conversation Tips: 1)Maintain eye contact. 2)Don’t listen while doing something else. 3)Listen for feelings. Ask yourself what emotion my spouse experiencing. 4)Observe body language. 5)Refuse to interrupt.
Establish a daily sharing time in which each of you will talk about three things that happened to you that day and how you feel about them. Quality time