Basic Logic – Chapter 3 IPC144 Week 3
Sequential Logic Statements executed sequentially – one after another Limited usefulness All programs shown so far have been sequential Often need to perform logic based on conditions conditional logic
Conditional example : movie tickets Movie tickets are to be sold using the following prices: Adult: $10 Child under 6 years: $4 Student(6-19 years):$7 Senior citizen(65 yrs and over):$7 Express this using conditional logic!
Conditional Logic Condition tested and one action or another will be performed A condition in C can include variables, literal values (eg 3, "a", "$", …), relational operators (> = <= !=), arithmetic operators (= - * / …), … Example of condition: age > 19 One method of implementing conditional logic in C: if statement Simple if statement syntax if (condition) statement;
Simple Conditional Logic Example Calculate the cost of doughnuts bought at $0.60 per doughnut GST of 7% is charged if fewer than 6 doughnuts bought Display the amount of GST charged and the total amount owed Write a C program to do this!
If Statement Example Write C program for this problem!
Code blocks Groups of C statements can be treated as one logical statement by enclosing within brace {} brackets Group of statements within main are treated as a big block of code Can use additional {} within main to group statements, eg within an if statement
Code blocks example Assume PST of 8% is also to be charged if fewer than 6 doughnuts bought … if (qty < 6) { GSTamt = subtotal * 0.07; PSTamt = subtotal * 0.08; } total = subtotal + GSTamt + PSTamt; …
main() { int qty; double subtotal, total, PSTamt, GSTamt =0; printf("Enter number of dougnuts: ") scanf("%d", &qty); subtotal = qty * 0.60; if (qty < 6) { GSTamt = subtotal * 0.07; PSTamt = subtotal * 0.08; } total = subtotal + GSTamt + PSTamt; printf("Total owed: $%.2lf, GST:$%.2lf, PST:$.2lf\n", total, GSTamt, PSTamt); }