Causes of World War II CHC2D8 Ms. Gluskin
50 million Over 50 million people were dead or injured in WWII. – What does 50 million look like?
Vocabulary On the brink (expression) = close to starting something Master race (expression) = German belief that they were superior to others Reich (noun) = empire
Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan (later) Wikipedia, Axis Powers, April 14, 2014, (April 17, 2014). Japan and Germany signed an agreement in 1940.
Allies Britain France (until occupied by Germany) Canada and other Commonwealth countries USSR (after being invaded by Germany) US (after being attacked by Japan) China Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill in How Stuff Works, History of Canada: WWII, N.d., (April 17, 2014); Wikipedia, Allies of WWII, April 16, 2014, (April 17, 2014). Mackenzie King (first row, far left) with Roosevelt, Churchill and other allied leaders, 1943.
Europe 1919 Remember back to the Treaty of Versailles and how it made many Germans feel.
German Aggression in Europe Which acts were met by appeasement?
Uniting of Germans Hitler wanted German-speaking people in Europe to be united.
Homework Finish Causes of World War II worksheet. – Don’t forget to indicate short- and long-term causes. – Don’t forget to say whether the response to each event was appeasement or a declaration of war.