Strategic Information Management
Government of Alberta Vision for Information Management The Government of Alberta is a trusted steward of information held on behalf of Albertans. INFORMATION IS: COLLECTED ONCE; MANAGED DIGITALLY IN AN OPEN AND SECURE ENVIRONMENT; ACCESSIBLE; AND USED TO ITS FULLEST POTENTIAL.
Managing Information
The Future of Information Management
Information Management in the GOA
Information Management: Current and Future States VS CURRENT STATEFUTURE STATE (VISION) Information is collected multiple times, by multiple people within multiple departments. Lack of information governance leaves a void that results in individual departments, divisions, units, etc. all working on different pieces of the same problem. Information is stored in multiple locations and formats. Information is difficult to access and is often recollected and recreated. The lack of rigour in our collection and management of information increases risks. Information is collected once. Information is managed digitally in an open and secure environment. Information is accessible, and used its fullest potential.
1.What do we need to bring into the future in order to meet our vision? 2.What Information Management tools and standards will be needed? 3.What skill sets are required? Which do we already have, and which will we need to strengthen? Managing Information Future Considerations
Open Government Goals: Increase access to government information and data. Facilitate better conversations. Increase engagement between citizens, stakeholders and government.
Open Government
Open Government Informed Citizens Building a strong community Informed decisions Improving the livelihoods of Albertans Easily accessible information Creating awareness
Working together to respond to Albertans in a timely manner Sharing common interests for the future of Alberta Transforming government through access, dialogue, change and an opportunity to participate Open Government Stewardship
1.As the government shifts how it interacts with Albertans, what implications will this have for IM? 2.How does this impact the balance between transparency and privacy? 3.What structures might need to change to be successful? 4.What else might have to be reviewed? Open Government Future Considerations
Questions? Maureen Towle Strategic Planning and Innovation Or Mark Diner Open Government Open Government and Strategic Information Management