Can you walk away from your current website? In short, yes. However how depends on whether you intend to remain with the same web host and use the same domain name. If you do, it is simply a matter of re-designing your current site on your current host. If you choose to change to another web host and or use another domain name then more steps are required. To be explained in detail in a later slide What to do if you have an ineffective website. Can you, should you, how to walk away.
When should we re-design or re-structure our website? If the site isn’t structured effectively Appearance is subjective; however structuring or building your website to be effective is not. There are principles to good website development that should be adhered to. If your site offers little applicable content, content that is stale-dated or difficult to find Users aren’t coming to see how wonderfully designed your site is, they are coming to easily find information. Without useful, relevant and up-to-date content visitors will find little value in your site.
Your navigation isn’t intuitive, consistent or adequate Navigation is second in importance to content. Without successful navigation, visitors will not find your content. Good principles include; ensure that your navigation is designed for the reader; you provide alternate navigation options or formats; you let visitors know where they are in the site; your navigation is consistent; you offer a sitemap If your website isn’t user-friendly or focused A website must have a clear purpose for which it exists. If you hope to build a successful internet presence, be sure to dedicate adequate time to plan and define what you want from your website. A website must maintain focus on the users of the website. Without satisfied users, no website will be successful. When should we re-design or re-structure our website?
Your site has structural issues It doesn’t load or view the same in every browser or at every screen resolution size It loads too slowly? Your current navigation is more than 3-levels deep Your site ranks poorly or not at all in major search engines When should we re-design or re-structure our website?
FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL TRANSITION HOW to walk away from your current website and/or web host? Registrar info It is important that you are listed as the owner of your site's domain name as you must have the ability to login and change your Domain Name Servers to point to your new web host. If you are not listed, moving will be very complex and you will need to speak to your host’s support. Ask yourself. If my web manager leaves, do I have a list of all logins and passwords? Tip: Ensure YOUR parish keeps a list of all logins Web host (only necessary if your current host’s features are inadequate) Find a new host that will meet your needs. If you choose a Content Management System to build your site, ensure the host supports that. Consider finding a host that offers the option of one-click CMS installation. Back-up all your data Save all content from your current site to a CD before migrating or changing your current site. Save all messages if this is where you host your account(s). They will be lost once the account is cancelled.
IF YOUR SITE OR DOMAIN NAME IS HOSTED THROUGH THE DIOCESE PLEASE CONTACT THE WEBMASTER FOR ALTERNATE INSTRUCTIONS HOW to walk away from your current website Set-up your new hosting account Your new host will supply you all login information and new DNS numbers Change web hosts Migrate all files to your new host’s server Set-up your new accounts and migrate all Test the site on the new host for several days Change the DNS in your domain name registrar to point to the new web host Cancel the old web hosting account PLEASE CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL IF THESE STEPS ARE OUTSIDE YOUR KNOWLEDGEBASE