Fieldwork 1 May 3 – June 11, 2010 Pre-Placement Preceptor Information
University Fieldwork Contacts Iris Greenspoon Fieldwork Coordinator (Intro, and FW1) Donna Barker Fieldwork Coordinator (FW2) Rachel Stack Fieldwork Coordinator (FW3 and FW4) Nella Rupp Administrative Assistant
Agenda Fieldwork 1 - Learning Objectives IPE Opportunities Evaluations New WSIB Process Returning Forms Important Dates
Fieldwork 1 Objectives Students will focus on: refining generic assessment skills, developing documentation skills, and beginning to apply theoretical knowledge to the clinical setting. Specific objectives are provided on the course outline See: _supervision/documents/FWICourseOutline.pdf
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 Student Performance Knowledge Application Transition - Reflection on Action Consolidation – Reflection in Action Educator Supervision Style Direct Teaching Evaluation Feedback CoachingConsulting Mentoring Scoring Scores = low S1 2 = rudimentary S1 3 = mastery of S1 / transition to S2 Scores = transition to S2 4 = rudimentary S2 5 = intermediate S2 6 = mastery of S2 / transition to S3 Scores = transition to S3 7 = rudimentary S3 8 = mastery of S3 / ready to enter clinical practice Stages of Competency Development Source: Competency Based Fieldwork Evaluation for Occupational Therapists Bossers, Miller, Polatajko, Hartley, 2002
Student Learning Objectives Negotiated between student and supervising OT Recommended that learning objectives developed after first week of placement There should not be a learning objective for each competency. 3-4 objectives overall is adequate There cannot be more than one objective for each competency Objectives can be completed on CBFE-OT or on a separate sheet however must be included with evaluation when returned to U of T SMART objectives
Interprofessional Education Opportunities FW 1 Structured IPE placements: Providence Healthcare Centre Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Flexible IPE Activities Small group discussions Interviewing and shadowing two members Participation in team meetings Interviewing a patient/client
FW 1 Presentations/Projects The completion of at least 2 of the 4 Flexible IPE Activities replaces the previous requirement of the student presentation. The student reflection paper is to be reviewed by preceptors and discussed with the student The student will submit the reflection paper to the university On Fieldwork 1, students are to complete a maximum of three flexible activities
CBFE-OT Evaluation and ‘Student Report on Fieldwork Placement’ Form Both forms must be completed at both midterm and final Preceptor completes the CBFE-OT Student completes the ‘Student Report on Fieldwork Placement’ form to give formal feedback to the preceptor and site New electronic documents: CBFE – OT available through your student Student Report on Fieldwork Placement Hard copies need to be signed and sent to the university
Student Performance Issues Consult the Fieldwork Coordinator at your site Consult the University Fieldwork Coordinator if problems noted at mid-term or earlier
OS&OT Fieldwork Resource Manual
Returning Forms Please sign and date all designated areas on both the CBFE – OT and Student Report on Fieldwork Placement Please send to: Nella Rupp, Administrative Assistant Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy University Avenue 9 th floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V7 *If the student returns the evaluations, they must be in a sealed envelop with your signature across the seal
New WSIB Process Facilities/employers have signed a declaration letter for Workplace Safety and Insurance Board coverage or Private Insurance coverage Students have signed a “Student Declaration of Understanding Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or Private Insurance Coverage” form
Important dates Placement dates: May 3 –June 11, 2010 Mid-term: May 21, 2010 Forms due back at U of T: June 25, 2010
Thank You