From an Oil Field Waste Stream - Electrical Power 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum Lyle A. Johnson, PE, RMOTC, U.S. DOE
2 RMOTC Location 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C.
3 Geothermal Potential 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C. 17-WX-21 Madison and Tensleep Possibly 35 MBWPD flowing 57-WX-3 Madison and Tensleep Possibly 10 MBWPD flowing TENSLEEP PRODUCING AREA OTHER POSSIBLE TENSLEEP SOURCE WELLS AND DEEPENING CANDIDATES Precambrian granitic basement structure
4 Water Treatment Pond 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
5 Water Treatment Ponds 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
6 Project Goals 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C The project is to validate the use of a binary geothermal power generation system that uses hot produced oilfield water to produce electricity. Test the system for a minimum of 1 year Provide a technical and economic analysis of the process Testing partner: ORMAT Nevada, Inc.
7 Projected Generator Performance Flow Rate:40,000 bpd (6,358 m 3 /d) Inlet Temperature: 170 ° F (77 °C) Outlet Temperature: 152 ° F (67 °C) Ambient Temperature: 50 ° F (10 °C) Generator Gross Power:180 kW Net Power Output:132 kW 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C Unit designed and built by Ormat Systems Ltd, Yavne, Israel.
Barrel Tank Moving 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
Barrel Tank Moving 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
10 Setting of Vaporizer 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
11 Setting of 2 nd Condenser 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
12 Cooling Fan Motor 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
13 Cooling Fans 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
14 Working Fluid Piping 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
15 Return Vapor Piping 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
16 Completed Unit 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
17 Operational Trends 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
18 Daily Power Fluctuation 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
19 Daily Ambient Temperature 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
20 Operational Summary On Line Total, Total (Actual)days161 (151) Inlet Brine Temperature°F °C Inlet Brine Volume Barrels3,047,370 m 3 484,493 Net Power Producedkilowatt hour586,574 Overall On line percentage%91 Average net powerkilowatt159 Overall w/o Field Downtime On line percentage%97 Average net powerkilowatt171 Avg. Net Power Jan-Feb 2009kilowatt200 3 rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C
21 Future Plans Perform equipment checkout, maintenance and repair, to include: Change system control to a source control loop with an additional control valve, and Install vapor bypass line around turbine to ease unit starting, and Install a vibration monitoring system, and Heat trace all oil lines to prevent oil thickening. Continue testing of the unit until at lease September rd B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum, Victoria, B.C