Rossmore Secondary Plan Presentation to Council July 16, 2014
Council Presentation | July 16, 2014 Rossmore Secondary Plan: Project Timeline We are here
Council Presentation | July 16, 2014 Rossmore Secondary Plan Organized around the following principles: Living: location, lot size, density, types, affordability of housing; Working: location and types of employment; Shopping: location, types, and design of retail/services; Playing: location, types, connectivity of parks/open spaces; Getting around: street connectivity and active transportation; Redevelopment sites: the Alley and village core; Village Design: height, look and density of new development; and Neighbourhood Development Area: Neighbourhood Concept Plan process to develop these lands in the future.
Council Presentation | July 16, 2014
Rossmore Secondary Plan: Recent Activities Met with Steering Committee June 19, 2014 –Presented Draft Secondary Plan Second Open House held June 19, 2014 Received Quinte Conservation Area and Staff preliminary comments Secondary Plan revised to address comments received to date
Council Presentation | July 16, 2014 Rossmore Secondary Plan: Open House Comments “Policies appear to be appropriate for the community – especially for the NDA.” “Maps are clear.” “Good plan! Need to get on with development.” “Dislike – High density residential. Like – slower speeds, roundabout, sidewalks – it creates a more inviting atmosphere. Like – recommendation on design. Not sure about the additional roads.” “One opposed to roundabout… expensive way to slow down traffic.” “I like the Plan. Eventually this size of community will require a water tower.”
Council Presentation | July 16, 2014 Rossmore Secondary Plan: Actions and Next Steps Council to authorize Draft Secondary Plan be sent to Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) Following review of MMAH comments – Secondary Plan is revised (Council) Revised Secondary Plan to a Public Meeting Secondary Plan brought back to Council for final decision Council Adopt and forward to MMAH for approval
Council Presentation | July 16, 2014 Rossmore Secondary Plan: Council Adoption and MMAH Approval MMAH is the approval authority Council gives notice of adoption {S. 17 (23) and 21} and advises that MMAH is approval authority MMAH circulates to provincial agencies and stakeholders MMAH provides modifications for Council consideration Following Council agreement/approval of proposed Minister’s modification Minister (MMAH) gives notice of decision Opportunity for Appeal of Minister’s decision to OMB
Council Presentation | July 16, 2014 QUESTIONS
Council Presentation | July 16, 2014 Updates More information and updates will be posted at: