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Mount Albion School Council Our Vision A future in which all students can achieve their full potential. Our Mission As parents, staff, principal and community we work together to serve the interests of all the children within the school community now and in the future. We are dedicated to enriching our children’s learning environment by striving to improve achievement and character building; strengthening community involvement; being a forum for learning about the school’s educational programs and discussing matters of interest or concern to parents; communicating awareness throughout the parental community; and allocating school council fund raised monies using established spending priorities as a guide to enhance the learning environment of our children within the school community.
Mount Albion School Council What is a School Council? A School Council is a group of parents, caregivers, school staff, and other representatives from our community. School Councils are mandated by the Ministry of Education. Each School must have a school council. What does a School Council do? The School Council is an advisory group whose purpose is to: improve pupil achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents through the active participation of parents; discuss issues such as the code of conduct and make recommendations to the Principal and Board of Education How can you participate? By attending meetings By reading meeting minutes (available via or through our web-site) By participating in activities that interest you
What has our School Council done? Our School Council has been active. We have been involved in activities such as: The Valentines Dance-a-thon to raise money to purchase 21st century technologies for the classrooms and other equipment for the school Purchased the new school team uniforms Review the Primary, Junior and Middle School Codes of Conduct Assist in funding Grade 8 Graduations Participation in Accommodation Reviews Presented two parent workshops and a movie night for the children Organize Mad Science night for parents and children Sign up for next year now! Mount Albion School Council
The Mount Albion School Council thanks you for your support.