Rapid Fire Team Presentation Name of Presenter: Giselle Tupper
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Name of Organization: Salvation Army Grace Manor, together with Alberta Health Services, Supportive Living Location of Facility: Edmonton, AB Number of Clients at Grace Manor site: 80 DAL and EDAL spaces Who We Are
Falls Facilitated Learning Series AIM To engage fall prevention/injury reduction improvement team members in the National FFLS to learn strategies and plan for sustained improvement in reducing falls and injury from falls
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Team Members Executive Sponsor: Anita Murphy, Director of Supportive Living, AHS Team Members: Giselle Tupper OT, Manager Multidisciplinary Clinical Services Jody Kellington, Director of Care, Grace Manor Diane Hartman, Resident Care Manager, Grace Manor Vanessa Luc Chow, OT Supportive Living, AHS Rachel Monai, Rehabilitation Assistant, Supportive Living, AHS Amanda Hansen, LPN, Supportive Living
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Falls Change Ideas tested to date **First Test of Change was an analysis of falls risk management activities currently in place, this was used to help direct our Teams focus on priority areas of improvement. Changes Implemented within Organization Working/Not WorkingFacilitators/Barriers identified Education – Delivery of multi-tiered education to all site staff that included creating front line falls risk management champions W -Resource materials and train the trainer sessions provided to the Operator site for internal sustainability F – Site leadership motivated to maintain F – Plan to include in site orientation W - Alternate deliveries of the same core information provided to staff, appropriate to their different levels of training. B – Cost to train staff B – Needs to be ongoing/refreshed to remain consistent
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Falls Change Ideas tested to date Changes Implemented within Organization Working/Not WorkingFacilitators/Barriers identified Falls Reporting - Development and trial of a new Falls Report form and database for capturing and tracking trends W – Falls report form well received when presented to front line staff F – Operator seeking front line staff involvement in development and trial, encourages buy in W – Database cells modeled on falls report sections to simplify transfer of captured information B – Operator technical support staff unable to create database in house
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Falls Change Ideas initiated to date Changes Implemented within Organization Working/Not WorkingFacilitators/Barriers identified Falls Communication – Bridging the gap between Operator and AHS SL staff since transition from one chart system to electronic documentation within Supportive Living W –roles and responsibilities identified for all stakeholders regarding timely falls communication NW – unexpected AHS SL organizational requirements forced postponement of key stakeholder meetings B- 2 Chart system, not integrated B – site staff unable to access client information specific to their needs F – Clearly defined roles around what to communicate and when B – scheduling challenges W – Key Stakeholders input from both organizations has been/will be considered and incorporated into communication guidelines development F – All stakeholders motivated to work towards a solution B – ongoing development of internal processes within SL electronic documentation system.
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Measures Feedback from staff and stakeholders were used to measure response to both Education delivery and the Falls Report. Subjective evaluation forms tailored specifically for each project were used to gather and analyze responses. Comments from staff at all training sessions were positive. Attendees actively participated in discussion during and after each in-service. Front line staff responded well to short interactive training sessions, as is evidenced by their comments on the evaluation forms. Responses on the evaluation forms reflected that staff identified “most helpful portions” from the presentations that were most relevant to their area of focus. E.g. Recreation focused on walking groups and outings in relation to falls risk factors.
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Measures Responses captured on evaluations completed by staff trialing the Report Form indicated that the report form was “easy to use” and all respondents would recommend continued use. Overall satisfaction was rated at 9/10. Sample staff feedback included “reminded me to ask appropriate questions and possible solutions to the issues” as well as “for the most part less writing and gets to the point” and “makes me think of all the little things that could have been factors” Falls metrics were used to measure our progress related to falls reduction/injury reduction No data collection completed for January/February at this time.
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Measures Salvation Army Edmonton Grace Manor
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Measures Salvation Army Edmonton Grace Manor
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Lessons Learned on Sustaining Falls Improvement Work during Action Period Advice for other teams Engage all stakeholders including clinical and non-clinical staff Create front-line champions Keep an open mind Don’t assume, investigate Key insights Communication is key Education must be ongoing, and requires staff dedicated for this purpose.
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Barriers: Need for ongoing education, no staff dedicated for this role Processes within the electronic charting system for SL are still in development Scheduling meetings around emerging and urgent operational requirements Facilitators Operator motivated, all stakeholders are engaged in the goal of improvement Falls risk management is a high profile issue within our organization’s strategic plan, attention is focused on this area of improving best practice Challenges to Sustaining Falls Improvement
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Next Steps – Action Plan Goal Description ActionPerson Responsible TimeframeMetrics Improve Falls related communication Stage 1 Scheduling stakeholder meetings to introduce and hear input on drafted communication guidelines. Giselle to lead, Team to engage throughout process Within 1 monthAll stakeholder input heard and team ready for Stage 2. Improve Falls related communication Stage 2 Trial of roles and responsibilities for falls related communication guidelines document Giselle to lead, all key stakeholders engaged Trial period to be determined based on outcome of stage 1 Stakeholder feedback gathered during and at the close of trial period Spread FRM strategies and toolkit to other Operators * Complete development of Toolkit * Present Team progress to other SL Operators and offer similar support/resources based on site identified needs Giselle to lead and delegate. within AHS Falls Risk Management team 6 months to evaluate the initial reception/interes t and ongoing per site requests Based on Operator interest, feedback and site falls metrics.
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Next Steps – Action Plan Goal Description ActionPerson Responsible TimeframeMetrics Sustainable site based Functional Exercise Program for maintenance of client independence Implement Trainer workshop for site staff Provide resources to enable site to develop own program delivered directly to clients and supported by front line staff Amanda with key Operator staff at sites 6 months to implement, support and evaluate progress Staff and Client feedback as well as Operator site falls metrics Ongoing, consistent Falls Risk Management education for site staff Delivery of multi- tiered falls risk management education with orientating of new staff Grace Manor senior staff - Jody and Diane Ongoing site ownership of internal educational requirements Ongoing evaluation of attendee responses to education and site falls metrics
Falls Facilitated Learning Series Name: Giselle Tupper Phone Number: Contact Information