Public Participation in Regional Economic Development Module 6
Public Participation in Regional Economic Development l to specify the role of public participation in regional economic development l to explore degrees of public involvement and expectations for decision-making Objectives: Module 6
Objectives (contd) l to identify obstacles to and benefits of public involvement l to identify some public participation methods and show how they can be used Module 6
Public Participation in Regional Economic Development “I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion.” Thomas Jefferson, 1820 Module 6
Why Public Participation? l lack of government resources l uncoordinated community development activities l failure of centralized approaches Module 6
Public Participation as a Contribution to Development kBuy-in and support are tied to economic benefits or rewards. kDecisions affect and implementation depends on the public. kOutsiders design programs. kLocal people are perceived to lack technical and process skills. Module 6
Public Participation as a Contribution to Development (contd) l Control, direction, and decision- making remain with “professionals.” l Technical aspects become prominent. l Organizations are usually externally conceived. Module 6
Public Participation as a Contribution to Development (contd) l Organizations reflect only part of the community. l There is little empathy with those who should be served. l Local accountability is lacking. Module 6
Empowerment l People are the primary ingredients of development. l We must recognize people’s knowledge and expertise. l The total community is included. l People must feel empowered to control their own destinies. Basic Principles: Module 6
Empowerment (contd) l People’s skills and abilities must be developed through participation. l The role of education and training is recognized. l Expertise is a resource to the people rather than to the product. l People have the ability to determine their own futures. Module 6
Organizational Qualities l personal control and growth l self-reliance l conformity to local values, ideals, and expectations Module 6
“Animator” l works in local development l coordinates and facilitates based on people’s wishes l concentrates on the people’s participation in the process Module 6
“Animator” (contd) l provides focus, forecasting problems through environmental scanning l earns trust and credibility through empathy Module 6
Participants’ Input 6.1 Module 6
Obstacles to Participation Power: l Governments traditionally designed and controlled programs. l Limited input resulted in a lack of buy- in and support. Module 6
Obstacles to Participation (contd) l Community beliefs about organizational autonomy: é The community should control design and priorities for development. é The community knows best. l Responsibility is shared without authority and resources. Module 6
Administration: Obstacles to Participation (contd) l Accountability interferes with delegation. l Administrators reserve the right to determine priorities. l Planners and administrators are reluctant to concede their practice. l Local involvement adds time. Module 6
Benefits of Public Participation l recognition of local needs and priorities l recognition of local knowledge and skills l direct input VS prescriptive solutions l more reliable feedback on impacts of initiatives Module 6
Benefits of Public Participation (contd) l new insights from the community for adapting programs l lower costs in dealing with local organizations l better design of programs l improved utilization of facilities l cooperation in new program innovation Module 6
Implications for REDBs l improved organizational structures l added accountability through Performance Contracts l need for better public education l more equitable sharing of roles and responsibilities l less conflict and misunderstanding Module 6
Participants’ Input 6.2 Module 6
Methods l good for discussing general ideas and approaches l widespread input and perspectives obtained Public Meetings: Module 6
Methods (contd) l one-way communication l best for dispensing information Newsletters: Module 6
Methods (contd) l effective for obtaining input on specific topics l allow involvement of those most affected l useful for updating sector strategies Focus Groups: Module 6
Methods (contd) l recommended for collecting information l limited opportunity for exploring issues l low return rates l lack validity Questionnaires: Module 6
Methods (contd) l most powerful public participation tool l can become a forum for public discussion l a method of community education Media: Module 6
Participants’ Input 6.3 Module 6