Public Affairs Brief Army Cadet League of Canada – British Columbia Branch Pillars Conference 2011: Public Affairs Support and Opportunities Maj Dan Thomas, DGRC Senior PAO Saturday, 30 April 2011
2 Strategic Significance of Corps Activities CPGI authorizes growth through retention and attraction PA is an enabler to both requirements Youth engagement is critical; families and stakeholders need to hear from the Cadets and others at first hand
3 National PA Considerations The challenge: how to promote the program locally, considering: All national advertising funds go to Reg/Res CF recruiting DGRC PA provides promotional items and literature to Regions, Corps/Squadrons Public Relations “toolbox” will be issued to Regions and Corps
4 Best Local PA Practices Enable the Cadets to tell their story Establish contacts with local media Provide great content to local news agencies (expeditions, competitions, CSTCs) Foster face to face communication; engage parents and stakeholders Consider the overall Cadet mission: “think nationally, act locally” Consult Pacific Region PAO: Capt Amélie Leduc, (250) ,
5 Promoting the Cadet Program Whom do we need to “target”? Youth Parents Educators Stakeholders Community leaders Local media
6 Promoting the Cadet Program How to reach them: Face to face Event Displays Public Speaking Local Media “Hometowners” Success stories Social Media Facebook Twitter Websites
7 Xperience – The National On-Line Cadets and JCR Newsletter Much more than Cadence replacement! Shares best practices Serves Cadets, JCRs, leaders, stakeholders No space limit (i.e. maximum pages) Needs imagery and text; CSTCs should plan and draw from courses/Cadets/JCRs Submissions/editorial consultations: Site: Editor: Captain John Weingardt, ; request CSTCs contact, plan submissions
8 Conclusion