Orientation to Kindergarten Kindergarten Orientation
Welcome and Introductions Big step on a long journey Exciting time for you and your child Partnership between your family and the school in supporting your child’s learning Kindergarten Orientation
School Supplies Backpack large enough to hold a lunch bag and books Lunch/snack bag Change of Clothing (labelled in a bag) Indoor shoes Kindergarten Orientation
Washroom and Self-Help Routines At school, children: – Must use washroom independently – Must wash hands with soap independently – Dress and undress independently belts overalls zippers buttons coat, boots, hats, mittens, shoes Kindergarten Orientation
Snacks and Lunches Independently get out snack or lunch and tidy up after self 15 min snack; 20 min lunch No nut products permitted Kindergarten Orientation
First Day of School First day of School Arrive at 8:50 am (Supervision begins 8:45am) Drop Child at the gate to the Kindergarten Pen Student Entry 8:55 am
Dismissal Dismissal 3:25 Pick up children at the gate Daycare- will pick up directly from the gate Kindergarten Orientation
Are you concerned about your child’s speech & language? Speech and Language Deborah Wienstein YRDSB Speech & Language Pathologist Kindergarten Orientation
Helpful Information School Website Kindergarten Orientation
Breakout Sessions Kindergarten Orientation Rm 129 Rm 131 Rm 132 Final Session will be in the gym