What do I do with all these books???
Frequently Asked Questions Active Readers 7-9
Establish guidelines for reading Consider posting guidelines in the classroom
Teach students how to choose books. Pick books that look interesting Read the title Read the back cover Inquire with a friend who read the book Try it out: read 1-2 pages Use the 5/10 finger rule
One idea is to display your books with the covers facing out
Use your chalk board ledge
Use plastic baskets or boxes to hold books
Sort your books according to genre
Make a book jacket display (video store style)
Store multiple copies in Zip-lock bags (so you have multiple copies when you go to work with a small group)
A school book room or library
How do we monitor the books? Each school must have a plan in place as to how they will keep track of the resources. Each school must have a plan in place as to how they will keep track of the resources. You may want to use a sign out format so that you know where the booksare at all times. You may want to use a sign out format so that you know where the booksare at all times. Classes/grade levels may share the books. Classes/grade levels may share the books.
How do we refresh the books? It is the school/board responsibility to update and replace resources. It is the school/board responsibility to update and replace resources. It is important a plan be put in place to enable this to happen. It is important a plan be put in place to enable this to happen. Resources are available on the authorized Learning Resources (NSSBB) and can be accessed through credit allocation budget. Resources are available on the authorized Learning Resources (NSSBB) and can be accessed through credit allocation budget.
Are students allowed to take the books home? There is no hard and steadfast rule governing whether students can take resources home. There is no hard and steadfast rule governing whether students can take resources home. Each school should have their own policy. While they may take them home for reading purposes, the student books are the property of the school. Each school should have their own policy. While they may take them home for reading purposes, the student books are the property of the school.
How does AR 7-9 connect with the curriculum? The AR 7-9 initiatives match closely the outcomes in the English Language Arts courses as expressed in the document. The AR 7-9 initiatives match closely the outcomes in the English Language Arts courses as expressed in the document. There is also a strong match with cross- curricular outcomes as every course at the Junior High level has reading as at least part of its focus. There is also a strong match with cross- curricular outcomes as every course at the Junior High level has reading as at least part of its focus.
How does this change my teaching? It should not really! Active Readers is not an add on, it is simply a reinforcement of best practices and an aid in doing what you do best – teach. It should not really! Active Readers is not an add on, it is simply a reinforcement of best practices and an aid in doing what you do best – teach. AR 7-9 provided the materials, the PD and the resources to help teachers help the struggling readers in every class. AR 7-9 provided the materials, the PD and the resources to help teachers help the struggling readers in every class.
Does it fit in the time frame? The Dept. of Education released a document called Instructional Time Grades ('Time to Learn' Strategy). The Dept. of Education released a document called Instructional Time Grades ('Time to Learn' Strategy). This document calls for an hour of ELA every day. This document calls for an hour of ELA every day. This should provide ample opportunity for teachers to use some AR material. This should provide ample opportunity for teachers to use some AR material. As well, every course across the curriculum is expected to enhance the literacy component of their discipline. As well, every course across the curriculum is expected to enhance the literacy component of their discipline.
What about kids on IPPs, adaptations or Learning Support Plans? These students already receive help from resource personnel, other professional support staff and regular staff in the schools and are not the focus of AR 7-9. These students already receive help from resource personnel, other professional support staff and regular staff in the schools and are not the focus of AR 7-9. On the other hand, AR 7-9 is helping the resource teacher by providing them with support aimed at assisting the diverse needs of these children. On the other hand, AR 7-9 is helping the resource teacher by providing them with support aimed at assisting the diverse needs of these children.
Remember! Active Readers is everyone’s job. Active Readers is everyone’s job. Literacy is cross-curricular. Literacy is cross-curricular.