NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE We serve a God for whom nothing is impossible. This amazing truth is declared in 2 different scriptures in the New Testament.


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Presentation transcript:

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE We serve a God for whom nothing is impossible. This amazing truth is declared in 2 different scriptures in the New Testament.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 16:26 (NIV) “For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 (NIV)

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE Jesus speaking about the Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-26) Angel Gabriel spoke to Mary (Luke 1:26-38) God is the only one who exists in the realm of infinite power, for He alone is eternal. Everything else was created and therefore has restrictions. We are finite, limited, have a moment of birth, live within time and space. God wants to share with us what was reserved for Him alone.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE God has made a way for us to enter into His realm of infinite, unlimited power where ALL things are POSSIBLE! FAITH is the connector What is the connector between these two realms? Faith

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE Jesus heals a Demon Possessed Boy Matthew 17:14-21 Mark 9:14-29 Matthew 14:21 “Nothing will be impossible for you.” Mark 9:23 - “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:28,29 Faith requires an action on our part- believing, prayer, fasting, unless the Lord’s sovereignty comes into play. Even then, there are times when prayer has preceded a sovereign move of God.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 16:26 (NIV) “For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 (NIV) The true meaning of Luke 1:37 shows us another way to connect with the realm of infinite unlimited power, although faith is still a necessary component.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE Nothing - no thing Greek word for thing is RHEMA “For nothing is impossible with God.” Nothing - no thing Greek word for thing is RHEMA RHEMA means freshly spoken word of God True meaning of verse is – No freshly spoken word of God will be impossible. Different from the printed word (logos) because it carries with it the implication that it is the actual voice of God.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE “For nothing is impossible with God.” Impossible - without ability Full translation of verse – No freshly spoken word of God will ever come to you that does not contain its own ability or divine capacity to perform itself.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE When a word from the Lord is released, it carries with it the seed of God’s infinite realm of unlimited power, so that the impossible becomes possible! RHEMA – spoken word- prophetic word – all interchangeable

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE Isaiah 55:11 (NIV) says, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” The Message says, “…complete the assignment I gave them.”

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION: What part do we play in this besides having faith? “I am the Lord’s servant, Mary answered, “May it be to me as you have said.” Luke 1:38 Yielded and humble heart Read Bill Johnson Quote

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION: What else did Mary do that was vital in bringing forth the fulfillment of God’s promise for her life? “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.“ Luke 2:19 (NIV) Mary treasured all the prophetic words spoken to her from the Angel Gabriel, Elizabeth, Shepherds, Wisemen, Simeon and Anna the prophetess. In doing so she modeled for us how to create the connection between the prophetic word spoken by God and the supernatural outcome.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE Keep – protect, hover over, guard, persevere, keep in mind (diligence is necessary) Treasure – cherish, treat with great value, savour Ponder – pause, meditate, consider deeply

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE “Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.” Luke 2:51,52 Mary did this for years, knowing that all the words spoken to her about her son’s destiny could only find fulfillment if connected to the supernatural realm.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE 1. We were born to co-labour with a God who knows no impossibilities! 2. Embedded in every prophetic word from the Lord is the supernatural capacity to perform itself Mary modeled beautifully for us how and what to do with the Prophetic or freshly spoken word from God. I feel that for some here the prophetic words you have received have become a sting that the enemy has used to discourage you and speak the lie that God has failed you, rather than something that you have kept and treasured in your heart. I would like to encourage us all to follow Mary’s example by firstly acknowledging these 5 truths -

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE 3. There is nothing that we can do in the natural to make these promises come to pass 4. Our posture should to be one of a tender, yielded and humble heart walking by faith

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE 5. The Lord’s promises through the prophetic words spoken to us need to be treasured, pondered and kept in our hearts Share testimony of Lynn and Baby William- Perfect Storm, Full restoration Share testimony of my fear and the word of the Lord Make sure it’s a true word – test, ask, your spirit has to be in agreement with it

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE The danger in living in a prophetic culture is that we can become complacent The bigger the prophetic word the harder it is to believe We can downgrade our own destinies as a result We need to take a fresh look at the words spoken over our lives and if necessary, repent for not giving them the weight they deserve, take them off the shelf and start carrying them in our hearts again. For nothing is impossible with God!

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 16:26 (NIV) “For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 (NIV) Rhema word, spoken word, prophetic word is like an anchor in the midst of the storm. If you don’t have one for your impossible situation, ask for one.