Canadian Military Family Resource Centre Advisory Committee Basic Training Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities CMFRC AC Operational Guidelines – Section 3 Canadian National Military Representative and CEO Director General Personnel Family Support Services –Service Level Agreement (Board of Directors versus Advisory Committee)(Board of Directors versus Advisory Committee) –Organization ChartOrganization Chart MFSP European Regional Manager –Staffing (HR, support and evaluation), review policies, manage finances, facilitate communications and ensure compliance with DMFS standards and practices. Senior Canadian Officer –Provides infrastructure support, such as building space, communications equipment, office equipment, etc. The SCO also endorses the membership of the CMFRC Advisory Committee and appoints a military OPI. Contributes to the performance evaluation of the Director. Military OPI –Link between SCO, Director and AC, attends all meetings (without voting privileges), provides AC with military system information, and coordinates provision of and maintenance of CF resources CMFRC Director –Overall management in accordance with human resource and financial policies. Operational planning, budgeting, risk management, service delivery implementation, CMFRC promotion, supervision of staff and volunteers, and facilitation of AC Committee functions. Director Military Family Services Program Field Operations Manager –Professional and technical advice to MFSP Manager (interpretation of policy, community needs assessments, Funding Applications and Service Delivery Agreements, service development and evaluation and financial monitoring.) Ensures compliances with DMFS practices and parameters through regular communications and Formal Site Visits CMFRC Advisory Committee –Provide advice and guidance to the CMFRC Director, ensuring that the CMFRC meets the needs of the community.
Director / AC Relationship 1.Shared understanding of roles and responsibilities Director to advise on operations and represent staff Arrange AC training 2.AC has direct reporting relationship with the Director 3.Establish ground rules 4.Effective communications 5.Effective feedback
MFSP Vision and Mission Vision: Confident, capable and resilient families in a supportive Canadian Forces community. Mission: To promote and facilitate community-based military family services that strengthen Canadian Forces families and communities.
Roles and Responsibilities There are 6 key areas of responsibility Planning Policy Monitoring Performance Management Community Relations Self Management
Planning Based on the outcomes of the community needs assessment and evaluation processes, the CMFRC Advisory Committee provides advice on the organization’s goals and service priorities Strategic Plan: Needs Survey, Community Demographics, Community Forum, Dialogue with Community Members,, SWOT, Meetings, DMFS Site Visit Report, Audit Report, SCO Vision, and Program EvaluationsSWOT
Strategic Planning vs Business Planning Bottom-up Planning Creates futureAC – Staff extends present Long term planning AC-Strategic – Staff does short-term planning External client focus AC – Staff is focused internally Focus on Efficiency Reactive PlanningStaff- AC is Proactive Staff – AC focus is on effectiveness Staff – AC is top down planning
Policy The CMFRC Advisory Committee reviews new or revised CMFRC policies and provides feedback on clarity, intent and implications Current policies, draft policies, research other locations, advice from legal experts, community feedback, details of problems encountered with current policies, and implications (financial and otherwise)
Monitoring Monitors the outcomes of service evaluation processes and provides advice on strategies to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of services provided by the CMFRC. In addition, the CMFRC Advisory Committee reviews the annual program budget and provides input on the extent to which resources are allocated to address the identified needs of CF families. After Action Reports, Director’s Report, Quarterly Reports, Community Forum, Annual Report, Community Feedback and DMFS Site Visit Report
Performance Management The CMFRC Advisory Committee provides input when requested on the performance of the CMFRC Director as part of his/her annual performance evaluation undertaken by the MFSP European Regional Manager. Performance notes, Director’s Report, Quarterly Reports, Annual Report, community feedback and DMFS Site Visit Report
Community Relations The CMFRC Advisory Committee provides advice on promoting the visibility of the CMFRC. It also ensures that it functions effectively as a Committee. Defined goal(s), marketing skills, public speaking skills, and SWOT analysis Process to evaluate against, Standard Operating Procedures, Exit Interviews, Succession history, and Director’s feedback
Where do these activities fall? AC Committee Recruitment Self Management Team Operating Agreement Self Management DMFS Site Visit with AC Self Management DMFS Sit Visit report Performance Management or Planning Risk Management – Dealing with Allergies Policy Review of Post-Event Reports Monitoring Community Forum Community Relations Client Base Details Policy Reviewing Funding Application Planning Reviewing Quarterly Statement Monitoring Strategic Planning Planning Marketing Community Relations Planning Policy Monitoring Performance Management Community Relations Self Management
Financial Management Regional Accounting Office (Europe) provides services to MFSP Management of CMFRC service delivery funds is the Director’s responsibility Overall financial objectives are the responsibility of the MFSP European Manager Advisory Committee members should be familiar with reading financial statements and provide input into and feedback on budgets and funding applications
Questions? Comments? Emotional Outbursts?
SWOT Analysis
Board of Directors versus Advisory Committee MFRC is a Not-for-profit organization CMFRC is a DND Canadian Armed Forces department Governing BoardNational Military Representative and local Senior Canadian Officer governs Separate Legal entityDND is the legal entity Board members are liableDND holds all liability Board is employer of Executive Director Director General Personnel Family Support Services is the Employer
CMFRC Advisory Committee Operational Guidelines Clarify the functions, relationships and processes of CMFRC Advisory Committees The framework in which Advisory Committees operate Sections: –1 Introduction –2 Historical Development, philosophical framework, service delivery model and funding process –3 Roles, Responsibilities, Authority and Accountability –4 Individual Member Responsibilities –5 Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, and Development –6 Meeting Protocols and Processes –7 Communication, Decision-Making and Team-Building –8 References, glossary and explanations of terms and acronyms
DMFS Parameters for Practice Guide for Advisory Committees, Commanding Officers, CMFRC Staff Members and other professionals to implement the MFSP within the context of its mission, vision, values, principles and goals. Sections: –1 Philosophical Framework –2 Structure and Accountability –3 Program Standards –4 Program Model –5 Funding –6 Annexes Activities & Initiatives for Children and Youth Parent/Caregiver Education & Support Emergency Childcare Emergency Respite Childcare Casual Childcare Outreach, information, support and assistance to CF families Education and Prevention Self-Help Groups Assessment and Referral Short Term Intervention and Crisis Support Welcome & Community Orientation Information and Referral Employment and Education Assistance Personal Growth and Development Second Language Services Goals and Objectives Ineligible Expenses
CFPSA CEO Major General Martin NMR Col Mike Moore Service Level Agreement DMFS Develops and monitors polices and service delivery standards Reviews the funding application Provides funding Provides professional advice Conducts format site visits Audit min every three years Verify performance of CMFRC against Service Delivery Agreements and monitor progress Ensure that the MFSP program in Europe and the UK operates within DMFS policies and standards Determines CMFRC locations Provides facilities, maintenance, utilities, cleaning, and telecommunication resources Ensures the Centres are provided with nominal roll information Ensures that the Centres comply with federal Privacy Act Ensures that each CMFRC has an AC that has a min of 5/max 9 voting members (CF members, spouses or dependents 16 or older) 51% of voters must be spouses of full time serving members Ensures that each committee has a military rep Provides local funding for site specific services Ensures the application of the CFPSA policy manual Military Family Services Program European Regional Manager Canadian Forces Support Unit (Europe) LCol Liedtke Director Advisory Committee SCO
Eligible/Ineligible Expenses Mission Exercise Program Road Map Childcare Rental for Teen Centre Playground Repairs Mileage for Office supplies Baby Gate
VISION Summer Camp Coffee Morning Welcome Basket Singles Program Canada Day Holiday Celebration Childcare Travel for staff meetings or courses Emergency Childcare Language classes Yoga Class Welcome Package Community Tour Friday BBQ MandatedSite Specific