LIZOTTE-WIDYARATNE PHILANTHROPIC CONSULTING SERVICES Presentation by Sue Widyaratne BBA, CFRE & Marie Lizotte, CFRE to AFP Southeastern Ontario Chapter INTEGRATING PLANNED GIVING AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS National Philanthropy Day November 17, 2010 Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services2 CONTENT Brief explanation of planned giving and its characteristics. Importance of an integrated development program. Maximize opportunities. Real life examples. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services3 DEFINITION OF PLANNED GIVING Planned Giving is the donor-centered process of planning charitable gifts, whether current or future gifts, that meets philanthropic goals and balances personal, family, and tax considerations. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services4 HOW DO PEOPLE GIVE? Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services5 Planned gifts are based on the donor’s timing – not your organization’s timing. Only 1 in 10 who makes a charitable bequest will tell about intention. (Source: FLA Group – Legacy Research) Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services6 Why do people choose to support an organization ? Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services7 THE DONOR PYRAMID Source: AFP First Course Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services8 AN INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Major giving Annual giving Planned giving Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services9 PLANNED GIVING & ANNUAL GIVING Survey of Canadian direct mail donors by FLA Group: 92% have a will. 17% have already made a charitable bequest. A further 18% are considering making a bequest. The majority have never been asked to make a bequest by any of the charities they support!! 1 in 3 Canadians would include a charity in their will if asked to do so! Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services10 PLANNED GIVING & ANNUAL GIVING Monthly Donors - proven most likely to commit to a planned gift over other types of annual donors. Consistency of giving vs. size of gift. Drop in gift size or discontinued gift – often a sign of retirement. Pay attention to these donors! Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services11 PLANNED GIVING & ANNUAL GIVING Since Planned Giving is based on donor’s timing – important to constantly reinforce the message. Marketing Tools: Check-off boxes on direct mail coupons. Inserts with tax receipts: Articles of interest “For Your Information ”. Planned giving brochure or buck slip. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services12 PLANNED GIVING & ANNUAL GIVING Surveys. Thank you calls + deliver tax receipts. Suggest estate gift that generates same annual income. Legacy Leaders / Legacy Innovation Campaigns. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services13 PLANNED GIVING & ANNUAL GIVING Add committed PG donors to mailing list with permission. Don’t take off PG & MG donors unless requested. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services14 PLANNED GIVING & MEMORIAL DONATIONS Create a memorial fund. Augment with an estate gift. Involve the whole family. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services15 PLANNED GIVING & MAJOR GIFTS Opportunity to create urgency to commit the planned gift sooner. Mini Major Gift Campaigns. Create endowment now – memorialized with bequest later. Expand role of Major Gifts Committee. Stewardship is critical – generates unexpected gifts. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services16 PLANNED GIVING & CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS Time-limited - opportunity to create urgency. Campaign donors good prospects for planned gifts. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services17 PLANNED GIVING & SPECIAL EVENTS Telethons / Radiothons. Events involving groups (cultural, alumni, etc). Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services18 OTHER RESOURCES FOR IDENTIFYING PLANNED GIVING PROSPECTS Volunteers – board and committee members. Employees. Don’t forget to solicit them + ask them to open doors. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services19 OTHER MARKETING IDEAS Please consider a planned gift to (name of your organization). Add this as a PS on all your letters and s. On business cards. Any other material that is handed out to the public. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services20 REMEMBER Everyone is capable of a planned gift and therefore everyone is a prospect! Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services21 SUMMARY Integrating planned giving into the overall development program ensures that best strategies are put in place for moving the donor up the donor pyramid. Lizotte-Widyaratne Philanthropic Consulting Services22 THANK YOU QUESTIONS?