SE-410: Wireless LANs & MANs Time Table Lectures: Tuesday: 4.30 to 6.30 PM (SEB-1200) Friday: 1.30 to 2.30 PM (SEB-2099) Laboratory: Monday : to 2.30 PM (SEB-1011) OR Thursday: 8.30 to AM (SEB-1011)
SE-410: Wireless LANs & MANs Prerequisites: SE-312 and SE-314 Text Book: “Wireless Communications & Networks” by William Stallings, PHI, ISBN: , 2002
SE-410: Wireless LANs & MANs References: 1) “Wireless & Mobile Systems” by D.P.Agarwal & Q.Zeng, Thomson Books/Cole, ISBN: ) “Principles of Wireless Netowrks” by K.Pahlavan & P.Krishnamurthy, PHI, ISBN: ) Course Notes by R.K.Rao
SE-410: Wireless LANs & MANs Evaluation Assignments : 15% Laboratory : 15% Project & Presentation: 20% Final Exam : 50% Score 50% in each of the 4 Components to PASS the course
SE-410: Wireless LANs & MANs Course Website Submission Policy All submissions due by Noon on due date Locker for the Course Locker # 225, Thompson Engineering Bldg.
SE-410: Wireless LANs & MANs Any Questions? Office Hours for the Course?
Wireless Comes of Age Marconi invented the wireless telegraph in 1896 Communication by encoding alphanumeric characters in analog signal Sent telegraphic signals across the Atlantic Ocean Communications satellites launched in 1960s Advances in wireless technology Radio, television, mobile telephone, communication satellites More recently Satellite communications, wireless networking, cellular technology
Wireless Comes of Age (cont.) Communication Satellites were introduced in the 1960s Wireless Networking is allowing businesses to develop LANs and MANs Cellular or Mobile telephone is the modern equivalent of Marconi’s wireless Wireless Communications is responsible for “shrinking” the world
The Cellular Revolution Number of users in million Number of users in 2004->1billion In 2005 number of wireless Internet devices exceeded the number of wired Internet devices All these point to the success of Wireless
Broadband Wireless Technology Higher data rates obtainable with broadband wireless technology Graphics, video, audio Shares same advantages of all wireless services: convenience and reduced cost Service can be deployed faster than fixed service No cost of cable plant Service is mobile, deployed almost anywhere
Limitations and Difficulties of Wireless Technologies Wireless is convenient and less expensive Limitations and political and technical difficulties inhibit wireless technologies Lack of an industry-wide standard Device limitations E.g., small LCD on a mobile telephone can only display a few lines of text E.g., browsers of most mobile wireless devices use wireless markup language (WML) instead of HTML
Home in the Range?
Wireless LANs Rapidly evolving technology Connectivity no longer implies attachment Freedom to roam while still maintaining connectivity WLANs use infrared light (IR) or radio frequency (RF) as transmission media
Wireless LANs RF is more popular because of its long range, higher bandwidth, and wider coverage Use 2.4 and 5 GHz frequency bands Current Ethernet LANs operate at speeds of 100Mbps (access layer), 1Gbps (distribution layer), and 10 Gbps (core layer) WLANs operate at 11 to 54 Mbps
ISM Unlicensed Frequency Bands
Wireless Devices
Wireless LAN Antennas
Current Standards – a, b, g a Up to 54 Mbps 5 GHz Not compatible with either b or g b Up to 11 Mbps 2.4 GHz g Up to 54 Mbps 2.4 GHz 860 Kbps 900 MHz 1 and 2 Mbps 2.4 GHz Proprietary Ratified a,b Ratified and 2 Mbps2.4 GHz11 Mbps 54 Mbps Standards-based 5 GHz Radio Network Speed IEEE Begins Drafting g is backwards compatible with b, but with a drawback (later) g Ratified More later!
Atmosphere: the wireless medium Wireless signals are electromagnetic waves No physical medium is necessary The ability of radio waves to pass through walls and cover great distances makes wireless a versatile way to build a network.
Wireless LAN growth
Momentum is Building in Wireless LANs Wireless LANs are an “addictive” technology Strong commitment to Wireless LANs by technology heavy-weights Cisco, IBM, Intel, Microsoft Embedded market is growing Laptop PC’s with “wireless inside” PDA’s are next The WLAN market is expanding from Industry-Specific Applications, to Universities, Homes, & Offices Professional installers and technicians will be in demand
Wireless LANs Are Taking Off Future Growth Due To: Standards High Bandwidth Needs Low Cost Embedded in Laptops Variety of Devices Voice + Data Multiple Applications Security Issues Solved Ease of Deployment Network Mgmt. Tools Enterprise Adoption
Wireless LANs & MANs Be careful not to assume that wireless is just like any other form of networking Wireless LANs & MANs are a field of study all their own If you are new to Networking, be sure to have a basic understanding of networking concepts
Applications of Wireless LAN (Access Role)
Applications of Wireless LAN (Bldg-to-Bldg Connectivity)
Applications of Wireless LAN (Last Mile Service)
Applications of Wireless LAN (Mobility)
Applications of Wireless LAN (SOHO)
Applications of Wireless LAN (School with Mobile Classrooms)