St. Andrews Heights Community Association Presidents Report Jeffrey P Schaefer
President’s Accomplishments I’ve done nothing that couldn’t be accomplished without team work, the efforts of the Executive Committee, and the many volunteers that make our St. Andrews Heights a great place to live. Even if it snows in June!!
Getting together…
Having fun…
Halloween 2009
Soccer Wind-up BBQ
Thanks Kevin!
The Ice Men Cometh… (in 4 months)
A party is never far off…
Bermuda Shorts Day
We are not impressed…
This costs us all money…
My report… My first year… -most things have gone reasonably well -community feedback generally very positive -secured the donation of a laptop (1 yr old) -2 – 12 hours per month (average 3-4) -we’re financially intact and follow the by-laws
Things I’m working on or could do better… –Traffic Study… City acknowledges receipt, they decide in the fall… –Website… I’ve re-done it this year but I’m increasingly behind in upkeep…I may have an interested helper to assist.. –We need a new announcement sign… I’ve gotten nowhere on that. –Communication… ‘ Me Project’ no takers yet.. –Executive Committee… Seniors is vacant, VP Social Events would be nice, some members have other commitments and looking for replacement
Campus Day Care Proposal Letter is on the web…. General Comments?