Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Standard Competencies SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Standard Competencies Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Basic Competencies Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Indikator Menggunakan kalimat reported speech dalam membuat sebuah report Menghasilkan teks berbentuk report Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG Imperative Statement Wh- Questions Yes/No Question 4/6/2017 REPORTED SPEECH Imperative Statement Wh- Questions Yes/No Question Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Reported Speech: Statement SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Reported Speech: Statement When the reporting verb is in present or future, there is no change of tense in the words reported. Notice only the necessary change of person. He says, “I speak English.” He says (that) he speaks English. Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 When the reporting verb is the past, the words reported are viewed in a past form. This form is usually one step back into the past from the original. She told me, “The children are waiting in the room.” She told me that the children were waiting in the room. Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Reported Speech: Wh- Questions Reported Speech: Yes/No Question SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Reported Speech: Wh- Questions Reported Speech: Yes/No Question The word order of reported question is the same as a simple statement There is no inversion as in a simple question Questions introduced by a question word (who, what, when, where, how, etc.) The wh-question serves as a link between the reporting verb and the reported question Where do you live? He wanted to know where I lived. Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Usage Note Who You can use who or that when a word for a group of people like family or team is followed by a plural word (NB: this is only usual in British English): a family who quarrel among themselves. When such words are followed by a singular verb, you usually use which or that: a team which/that has won most of its games. Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Imperative Pattern Verb + Object + To Infinitive Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Function: Used to report orders, request, warnings, advice, or invitations “Don’t touch the camera.” He told me not to touch his camera. Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Change of Tenses present tense past tense present continuous tense Past continuous tense present future tense Past future tense present perfect tense Past perfect tense past future tense Past future perfect (conditional past perfect) Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Change of Time and Place SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Change of Time and Place here there this that now then ago before yesterday the day before tomorrow the next/ following day Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Next (week) the next/ following day today that day tonight the night before can could next month the following month last Sunday the Sunday before two days ago two days before Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Contoh Soal 1. Beckham : Did you know what Fingo said yesterday? Raul : Of course. He said ____ the previous day. a. had gone to his country d. he went to his country b. he has gone to his country e. he goes to his country c. he will go to his country Jawaban : A ( kalau kalimat langsung/direct simple past, indirect/tdk langsung harus past perfect) 2. Teacher : Why was Mary absent yesterday? Jenifer : What did the teacher want to know, Ferdy? Ferdy : he wanted to know ____ a. if Mary was absent d. that Mary had been absent b. why Mary was absent e. why Mary had been absent c. why was Mary absent Jawaban : E (direct berbentuk Wh-question bentuk past tense jadi indirec berbentuk past perfect) Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Exercises Head master : Why didn’t you clean this room this morning? Budi : I am sorry. I got a headache. The headmaster asked her why ___ the room this morning. a. I hadn’t cleaned b. He hadn’t cleaned c. He doesn’t clean d. He would not clean e. He hasn’t cleaned Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 2. Anto : I am sorry Lina. I forgot to bring your book. Ari : What did he say, Lina? Lina : Anto said to me that he ___ to bring my book. a. has forgotten b. forgets c. had forgotten d. forgot e. would forget Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 3. Mother asked Mira to close the windows because it was windy outside. Mother said, “ ___________” a. Mira close the window. It is windy outside. b. Closed the window, Mira. It is windy outside. c. Mira closed the window. It was windy outside. d. Does Mira close the window. It was windy outside. e. To close the window Mira! It is windy outside. Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 4. “What are you doing now?”, he asked. He asked me ____ a. what are you were doing now b. what I was doing then. c. what were you doing now. d. what I am doing now. e. what I was doing then Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 My parents advised my sister ____ too much money on clothes. a. do not spend d. not spending b. not to spend e. not spend c. did not spend Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 You’re Right Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 You’re Wrong Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 COMPETENCY TEST Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Bibliography Herman Benyamin, Sofijandi, Agus Kusmawan,Ida yusridawati yakoub,2010.Advanced learning English 2.Grafindo Media Pratama. www.english www. English at Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 Arranged by Lina Meilasari S,Pd Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive
Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive SMAN 2 KOTA SERANG 4/6/2017 T.h.a.n.k Y.o.u Always Do and Think Positive, Because the Result will be Positive