Land Use Bylaw Update – Secondary Suites ~ Land Use Bylaw Update is LTC priority project ~
… SpringSummerFall OCP policy guiding affordable housing process Legalizing secondary suites given top priority for LUB review LUB Review begins: technical working groups website launched November open house February: Community Forum with Tim Wake and Janis Gauthier Community Affordable Housing Strategy (CAHS) finalized Two Pilot Area options proposed Data refined and policy development begins Current Key Issues: Will suites be affordable? What will be the impacts on infrastructure (water, sewer)? What will the environmental impacts be? What are the other impacts (ex: people, noise, aesthetics)? Will Pilot Areas work? Community Consultation Garden sessions, kitchen meetings Community events Agency and community groups Bylaw Amendment Process Deliverables Housing Needs Assessment Ph.1 Housing Needs Assessment Ph.2 Community Affordable Housing Strategy – Action Plan Adopt Secondary Suites Bylaw The Technical Working Group was convened in August 2010 by Planner Sue Palmer. The TWG provided advice regarding the potential pilot areas and ideas for the regulation of suites and cottages based on criteria in the OCP. Membership List: 1.John Borst – Cusheon Lake Stewardship Committee 2.Ken Byron -- IT Advisory Agricultural Committee 3.Miles Drew - IT Bylaw Enforcement 4.Gordon Ellis – SS Realtor 5.Bob Fenske – CRD-Transportation Services 6.Rick Gilleland – IT Advisory Planning Commission 7.Susan Hannon – Salt Spring Conservancy 8.Trevor Hutton -- North Salt Spring Water Works 9.Rob Kline – Ministry of Agriculture & Lands (MAL) 10.Chris Laughlin - Vancouver Island Health Authority 11.Neil Morie – IT Advisory Design Panel 12.Paul Neale – Chamber of Commerce 13.Uli Temmel – CRD-Building Inspection 14.Elizabeth White – Earth Festival Society
Bylaw Amendment Process Draft Bylaw: Community Feedback 1 st Reading Community Information Meeting(s) 2 nd Reading Public Hearing 3 rd Reading Executive Council approval Ministerial approval Final Adoption
What is Salt Spring’s Housing Need? 44% of Salt Spring renters are in “core housing need” – that means they spend more than 30% of their income on rent In 2009, the average rent on Salt Spring was $1,119 for a two bedroom unit. That is affordable to households earning a median income ($46, 693/year) Secondary Suites will not cure Salt Spring’s affordable housing crisis, but it will offer affordable rental accommodation for 66% of Salt Spring renters
The Affordable Housing Options Continuum Emergency and Cold Weather Shelters Housing for Homeless and/or Special Needs Housing for those at Risk of Homelessness Housing with Rental Assistance or Rent Limits Non- Market Home Ownership Rental Housing Home Ownership Government Subsidized HousingNon-Market HousingMarket Housing Secondary Suites and Cottages are considered Low End Market Rental in the Affordable Housing Options Continuum
SECONDARY SUITES ARE “SUSTAINABLE” Diverse community ~meets many needs Energy Car sharing Septic Density Rental housing And mortgage helpers
Adapted from Statistics Canada, Profiles for Designated Places, XCB , 2006 Census
LUB Update Secondary Suites The 2008 Salt Spring Island Official Community Plan (OCP) gives policy direction to legalize secondary suites with certain criteria: Ensure adequate potable water supply Avoid watersheds and community well capture zones that supply community drinking water Minimize auto dependency Address on-going affordability Must not be used for short-term rental
The OCP Also Says... A maximum of one suite is allowed per dwelling. The owner occupies either the principal dwelling or the suite. Suites should only be allowed in areas with an adequate supply of potable water. Suites should not be allowed in areas that are community water system supply watersheds or in community well capture zones. New construction of dwellings with suites in areas containing sensitive ecosystems or areas that are hazardous for development should be managed by development permit. The use of suites will not be for short-term rental, in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw. Regulations should limit suites to 40% of the floor area of the principal dwelling and no more than 90 m2 of floor area. Building safety and waste disposal issues are addressed through compliance with the B.C. Building Code and applicable health standards. The Local Trust Committee will consider the use of housing agreements and other measures to ensure that suites are affordable and to address occupancy. The Local Trust Committee will work with the Capital Regional Housing Corporation on the administration of housing agreements in order to implement this policy. The Local Trust Committee should coordinate implementation of zoning changes with Capital Regional District Building Inspection and the Vancouver Island Health Authority. The Local Trust Committee may also consider limits on the numbers and location of secondary suites to minimize dependency on private automobiles. The Local Trust Committee will make zoning changes incrementally and monitor changes in order to have the effect of limiting the overall number of suites on the island. The Local Trust Committee will consider an annual registration system in order to remain informed about the number and location of occupied suites.
Pilot Areas: Option 1: Limited Pilot Area Option 2: Expanded Pilot Area Option 3: Whole Island as Pilot Area
Option 1 – Limited Pilot Area: Based on Official Community Plan (OCP) policy criteria and focuses on the location of existing transit routes.
Option 2 - Expanded Pilot Area: Based on existing land use zones (R7, R8, R9 and R), not limited to transit route locations. Excludes catchment basins of community water districts, residential zones with limited development potential, remote areas of the island, and crown land, park land etc.
Option 3- Salt Spring Island as pilot area: Excludes crown land, park land, non- residential land (commercial, industrial zones), multi-family zones.
Sample Regulations for Secondary Suites: Definition: Secondary Suites - means an additional self-contained dwelling unit, having a separate entrance and containing kitchen and bathroom facilities, located within a residential building that contains only one other dwelling unit and is smaller than the primary residential unit. Use: Must be accessory to the principal use of a single detached dwelling unit. Use for short term vacation rentals prohibited. Home-based businesses: A bed and breakfast home-based business may not be operated on the same property that a secondary suite is located on. Density – Addresses water use, intensity of activity on a residential property: Maximum of one suite per principal dwelling. May not be located on a property containing a seasonal cottage. A seasonal cottage may not be allowed on a property containing a secondary suite. Built form: Must be contained within the walls of the principal dwelling unit Separate access/egress Maximum floor area: a maximum of 40 % of the floor area of the principal dwelling unit to a maximum of 90 m2 whichever is the lesser Parking: one on-site parking space must be provided for the occupant(s) of the secondary suite Important note: These sample regulations were presented to the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee on May 3, No action was taken by the LTC, but the report was received for information. Islands Trust is looking for input into the stage of drafting of regulations for secondary suites.
LUB Update Secondary Suites Community Feedback: Majority of people support legalizing secondary suites, many would like to have a suite in their house, many more support having suites in their neighbourhood Water supply and septic system capacity needs to be addressed in policy drafting Secondary suites should not be for short-term vacation rental purposes OCP and community members say to make changes incrementally but others emphasize the need for island wide legalization