The Home Energy Affordability Gap: Putting Data to Work Roger D. Colton Fisher, Sheehan & Colton National Fuel Funds Network June 2003
Actual home energy bills - Affordable home energy bills Home Energy Affordability Gap Defining the affordability gap
Why do a State of the State? Which way should I go from here, asked Alice. Where do you want to get to, asked the Cat. I dont much care, Alice said. Then it doesnt much matter which way you go, replied the Cat.
Defining affordable energy bills n Affordable burden for total home energy is set at 6% of gross household income. n Affordable burden for home heating is set at 2% of gross household income.
Home Energy Affordability Gap: Uses to which Gap analysis applies n LIHEAP advocacy--Congressional district aggregation (Kentucky, Pennsylvania). n Food Stamp excess shelter deduction (Utah, Kansas, New Mexico). n Documenting need for state energy affordability assistance (Michigan) (statewide/per legislative district).
Home Energy Affordability Gap: Uses to which Gap analysis applies n Determining levels of utility rate assistance (Missouri). n Quantifying impacts of particular price increases for particular fuels (natural gas--Michigan). n Preparing localized presentations on LIHEAP need for mayors/local governments (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi).
Home Energy Affordability Gap: Uses to which Gap analysis applies n Targeting location of potential rate affordability pilot sites (Mississippi). n Justifying need for low-income winter rate discount (Maryland). n Structuring natural gas rate discount (Maryland). n Assessing cost-of-living for families (with children) (AECF).
Home Energy Affordability Gap: Uses to which Gap analysis applies n Determining allocations of energy assistance within the state. n Assessing reasonableness of Fair Market Rents for public/assisted housing. n Relating disconnects/arrears with energy burdens/energy gaps. n Moving resources between programs and geographic areas (targeting).
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