SPEECH-LANGUAGE SERVICES Implementation of the Speech-Language Services Review’s Strategic Directions in ASPEN
Project Aim & Goals Increased client/stakeholder satisfaction Effective/efficient management of SL caseload growth Recruitment and Retention of SLPs
Project Processes Since 2006, Core Team from Aspen, East Central & Capital Health met regularly Charis Management Consulting Inc.facilitated the process Stakeholders (parents, regional leaders, community partners, educational representatives, service providers & community agencies) were involved throughout the process
Methods Phase 1 – written surveys & focus groups Phase 2 -Core Team -Regional Steering Committees (3 health regions) -Inter-Sectoral Advisory Committee (ACSLPA, AB Education, AH&W, Alberta Teachers’ Associations, Grant MacEwan College & the U of A Phase 3 – implementation of strategic directions
World Health Organization (WHO) ICF Biopsychosocial Model
Aspen Strategic Directions Broad array of services (across 3 levels-population, community & clinical) -Services to ALL ages -Staged services -Quicker access Function-based practice -Services to clients with greater functional needs -Functional assessment tools and documentation -Prioritized services based on assessed, functional need
Right person/right job/right time -System level communication & capacity building -Ethical & judicious allocation of scarce resources -Full scope of practice -Building capacity in families, caregivers, teaching staff etc. Re-engineered admin processes to gain efficiencies -Trial/implement innovative approaches
Coordination/Collaboration -Strategies that makes sense for specific sites, schools -Linkages with existing programs -More workshops, in-classroom support and assistance with IEPs -More joint problem solving and collaboration between partners
Aspen Implementation Phase 1 (Sept August 2009) Focus: Policies/Procedures/Tools Capacity Building with SLPs & Assistants Focus on TARGETED SERVICES
? Contact: Dalique van der Nest Regional Rehabilitation Coordinator (780)