Synthetic Biology Part 1: Introduction Input Output Gene A Gene B Gene C 1 Prokaryotic cell
Cell-Cell communication in prokaryotes on 3
DNA RNA PROTEIN Transcription by RNA polymerase Translation by ribosomes Flow of genetic information 4
DNA structure 5
Gene structure Gene Promoter Coding sequenceTerminator chromosome 6
RNA Transcription start site Promoter Gene structure Terminator 7
Promoter structure 8 Transcription 9
Transcription 11
AUGUGA Ribosome binding site to initiate translation Start codon (first amino acid of the protein) Stop codon (signal to end protein synthesis) = untranslated region 5’3’ mRNA structure 12
Box TATAA -35 Box TTGTCA RNA Core promoter = Binding site for RNA polymerase In this configuration transcription is ON RNA Pol Transcription 13
RNA +1 RNA Pol A A = Activator of transcription bad promoter Transcription 14
box -35 box operator R R = Repressor In this configuration RNA Polymerase cannot bind transcription is OFF X Repression of transcription 15
The lactose operon of E. coli R lacI repressor R -35 O -10 Transcription is OFF Active repressor X Repression of transcription 16
The lactose operon of E. coli R lacI repressor -35 O -10 Transcription is ON Inactive repressor = inducer (lactose) RNA Pol X Induction of gene expression 17
AUGUGA 5’3’ 5’ siRNA Binding of siRNA causes mRNA degradation Translation X Silencing by antisense RNA 18
AUGUGA 5’3’ Ribozymes + aptamer RNA cleavage Repression by mRNA cleavage 19
AUGUGA Ribosome binding site to initiate translation Start codon (first amino acid of the protein) Stop codon (signal to end protein synthesis) = untranslated region 5’3’ mRNA structure 20
Translation 21 The genetic code 22
Protein structure 23