By: Chad Effa Lucille Barnabe Andrew Friesen Andry Giesbrecht
Flow Chart: Biomass Brokerage Office Supplies/eq uip Obtain Augers Contract Write ups Securing Storage Office Location Register Name Truck Secure Funding Set up Portable Densifier Storage Coal List from hydro Assess Finances Build maintain update DB Call S&C Start Secure C&S Figure billing Secure Bank account Brokerage Fees Finish
Build maintain update DB Call S&C Coal List from hydro Continually adding new information Have contacted Suppliers. Insufficient demand to produce on large scale. Biomass trials underway Storage is crucial List not available Hutterite colonies. Build interest in the product.
Assess Finances Portable Densifier Truck Register Name Office Supplies/eq uip Brokerage Fees Transportation of biomass and fees that go along with it Determine the name, and register company. Computer, phone, internet, staff fees estimated approximately $24,000 a year Determining fees involved with getting a brokerage license Finding out more about production and costs associated with it
Storage Securing Storage Considerations, Coal, Elevator, A-frame Carey Elevator, Hog Barns
Secure Funding Secure Bank account Office Location Grant from MAFRI Applying for $24,000. Use existing account from texts for less? Get a new one. Rent space from Buller Centre for business- $300/month
Tasks to be completed: Obtain Augers Set up Figure out billing Secure C&S Contract Write ups Finish
SOURCE stoker stove CONSUME elevator rail cubecattails silo pelletizewillow manufacturing wood urban forest forestry ash barn truck balegrasses shelter loosehulls DISPOSESTORETRANSPORTPROCESSshives straw agriculture