Response to Catastrophic Personal Injury Loss Presented by Katari MURTHY
All of the sudden... The dreaded phone call comes (to you, I hope!). –Your initial reaction…collect data! –Stop & think. –You will need every skill you have - and some you dont have. Your next word/action determines your future!
Initial Responsibilities of the Coach Scene Safety is #1 priority. Gain composure & take control: –Self; –Management team; –Witnesses. Direct scene safety & area isolation. Calm things down.
I will not talk about the principles of accident investigation. We will talk about response - an organized system for crisis management. We are talking about sound management principles (planning, organizing, leading, & controlling) for an unorganized occurrence in our facility.
The potential for catastrophic PI / Loss exists at all plants…even in the best of Safety & Health processes! Falls Fires/Explosions Confined Spaces Caught in machines Contractors Motor vehicle crashes
Crisis Management Use your own crystal ball. What resources will you need to manage the crisis? –People, –Equipment, –Services, –Support, –A phone, fax, notebook and pen.
Every catastrophic personal injury loss is different, But the management principles are similar.
Principles of Critical Incident Response Do no [more] harm…At all times, the priority is to assure scene safety. Prompt, appropriate care for the injured. Preserve respect & dignity for the injured, all of the involved, the family, all others. Fix the problem, not the blame. Restore normal operations. Prevent recurrence.
Incident Command System Organized system for managing emergencies. Helps you to plan, lead, organize, control response & resources.
Incident Command System Establishes hierarchy for emergency…not for everyday site management. Requires intimate knowledge of the facility, the people, emergency management, multitude of site plans. Some of your best everyday managers will become totally useless under ICS. Develop ICS Structure & Roles in your site Emergency Preparedness Plan.
Getting to the Scene~ Initial Seize Up Take your own pulse. Ensure the area is safe & that no other persons will become similarly injured. Protect would-be responders/rescuers. Ensure structural integrity. Stop equipment/process operation. Stop activity in immediate area. Plan rescue, determine resources...
Medical Care for the Injured Who is injured? What type & extent of injuries? Observe the location & position of the injured. Who is there? What are they doing? What treatment is being rendered? What hospital are they going to?
Begin Seeing Area ~ Observing the Physical World Look for pieces of evidence…expect that pieces will not yet fit together. What is the equipment doing? Note settings of controls. Any physical evidence from victim? Begin to note (& sketch) what you see…provide all notes to the investigator!
Meanwhile, Back at the Office…Gathering Records OBTAIN EMPLOYEE INFORMATION: –Employee name & address, DOB, emergency contact; EMPLOYMENT SPECIFICS: –Job title, –length of employment, –Time on the job; TRAINING RECORDS: –safety training, –orientation, –department specific.
Before the Investigation... Get the incident stabilized. Get the area under control. Stop activity. Minimize discussion about the details of the incident. Everyone is a witness. Minimize written communication about the incident. Disallow conclusion jumping.
Thoughts about Critical Incident Investigation In-plant staff will need help handling the investigation…this is a special task. With these types of incidents, superior investigation skills & experience are required. Consider background, education, experience, certification, degree, past work. Expert documentation skills required. Help to prepare the investigation outline.
Interested Parties... People who will be interested in knowing about what happened: –Family members; –Site, Division, Corp. EHS & Risk Management; –Insurance Representative; Professional Accident Reconstructionist/Expert; –Regulatory Agencies; –The Media; –Third Parties (equip. manufacturers?) –Other Employees.
Handling Multiple Interests Consider written plans, developed in advance of the loss: –Regulatory Inspection Plan (written); –Media Coordination Plan? Utilize the hierarchy of the Incident Command System or your site Disaster Recovery Plan to direct activities & information.
A Pre-loss Notification Plan... Minimizes confusion at the time of the incident. Helps to organize information. Maintains central location for contact information. Decides who is responsible for notifications. Indicates in what time frame the notifications should be conducted. Guides what information may/must be provided. Minimizes improper notifications (i.e. regulatory agencies, family, etc.).
In all Notifications, Stick to the Facts Facts are more accurate & generate less debate. Minimize speculation by others who want to conclusion jump. Provide basic information only…Even if you know what happened, advise: –The incident is still under investigation. Minimize written communication regarding the supposed details, evidence, etc.
Who Is Likely to Come Visit? Local & State Police; Local Fire Dept. & State Fire Marshall; Corporate people; Insurance company representatives; Expert Witnesses; Forensics Experts; Attorneys; Engineers.
Regulatory Inspection Plan Names the team members who will participate in a regulatory inspection. –Specifies roles of participants; –Includes collective bargaining unit; –Assesses possible areas to be inspected & contact persons/titles for each area. –Guidelines for regulatory notification (in critical incidents), credential check, communication, note-taking, sampling, post-visit assistance, etc. Must be kept up-to-date & should be reviewed with team members periodically.
Written Plans to Reference in the Event of Catastrophic Loss Emergency Preparedness (including Incident Command System) Crisis Management Notification Regulatory Inspection Media Coordination One Plan?
Viable Corrective Action The site is under the microscope for a reason. –Fix the problem, not the blame. –Injuries are never just the result of worker error or carelessness. –Management systems review and correction needed - short & long-term. Engineering controls first, then administrative controls, PPE & training.
Ending Business Interruption Establish approximate time-frame for release of equipment to run again. Look for clues during start-up. Ensure that the investigator is present for resumption of business. Staff needed to start equipment or process. Make sure that corrective actions remain viable.
Closing Thoughts Use of the Employee Assistance Program for individuals, family members, co-workers. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) Team for the site and Incident Command Team. Ensure that corrective actions are correct & upheld. Carry the lessons learned with you and share it with