How much do you know about making babies?
1. If a prospective mother has brown eyes and so does the dad, what are the chances that their baby’s eyes will be blue? A. Absolutely none, unless someone’s lying! B. There’s a possibility, since half of all humans have blue eyes. C. A slim, but very real chance.
2.All of us began life as a single cell. How big were we back then? A. Smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. B. The size of a lemon. C. No tinier than a pea.
3. At what stage of the fetus’ development do the fingers and toes appear? A. 12 th week B. 7 th week C. 10 th day
4. As soon as the baby is born, the doctor takes his pulse. It is taken at the infants’…? A. Neck B. Heart C. Wrist
5. Although it only takes one sperm to fertilize the female egg, approximately how many sperm are ejaculated during a man’s orgasm? A million B C. 200 to 400 thousand
6. Which of these is the most reliable method of determining when a woman is ovulating? A. Noting intense mood swings B. Taking a blood test C. Keeping a basal temperature chart
7. How can you predict the sex of an unborn child? A. If the mom is carrying high, it is a girl B. If the mom has gotten more attractive during the pregnancy, it is a boy C. If the sonogram shows a shadow of a male sex organ, it could be a boy
8. Which partner is responsible for determining the sex? A. Both B. Mom C. Dad
9. The fetus gets its nutrition from: A. Its own cells B. The mother’s blood passes through the umbilical cord C. Oxygen
10. If a woman has given birth before, is her labour likely to be …? A. Longer, since her muscles are not as strong, and she is not as young B. The same as a woman who is delivering for the first time C. A shorter period of time, since her body has already accommodated one pregnancy
11. Which of the following statements about fraternal twins is fact, not fiction? A. They are no more alike than any other brothers and sisters B. They are always the same sex C. They grow up looking almost exactly alike
The Answers!
1. If a prospective mother has brown eyes and so does the dad, what are the chances that their baby’s eyes will be blue? A. Absolutely none, unless someone’s lying! B. There’s a possibility, since half of all humans have blue eyes. C. A slim, but very real chance.
2.All of us began life as a single cell. How big were we back then? A. Smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. B. The size of a lemon. C. No tinier than a pea.
3. At what stage of the fetus’ development do the fingers and toes appear? A. 12 th week B. 7 th week C. 10 th day
4. As soon as the baby is born, the doctor takes his pulse. It is taken at the infants’…? A. Neck B. Heart C. Wrist
5. Although it only takes one sperm to fertilize the female egg, approximately how many sperm are ejaculated during a man’s orgasm? A million B C. 200 to 400 thousand
6. Which of these is the most reliable method of determining when a woman is ovulating? A. Noting intense mood swings B. Taking a blood test C. Keeping a basal temperature chart
7. How can you predict the sex of an unborn child? A. If the mom is carrying high, it is a girl B. If the mom has gotten more attractive during the pregnancy, it is a boy C. If the sonogram shows a shadow of a male sex organ, it could be a boy
8. Which partner is responsible for determining the sex? A. Both B. Mom C. Dad
9. The fetus gets its nutrition from: A. Its own cells B. The mother’s blood passes through the umbilical cord C. Oxygen
10. If a woman has given birth before, is her labour likely to be …? A. Longer, since her muscles are not as strong, and she is not as young B. The same as a woman who is delivering for the first time C. A shorter period of time, since her body has already accommodated one pregnancy
11. Which of the following statements about fraternal twins is fact, not fiction? A. They are no more alike than any other brothers and sisters B. They are always the same sex C. They grow up looking almost exactly alike