Library Instruction for DDC Professional Development Day May 13th, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Library Instruction for DDC Professional Development Day May 13th, 2011


How to Access CLS Website Go to the HRSB website at on ‘Departments’ link on the left-hand sideClick on the ‘Program’ link with book graphicClick on the ‘Library Services’ link at the bottomClick on the link for the DDC presentation

Overview Introduction Lesson Plan Outline Sample Lesson Plan Exploration of Resources Presentations Activities Combinations Print Resources Conclusion

Introduction For this session, you are going to explore various sites on the internet that will help you create your own lessons for teaching students how to use the Dewey Decimal system

A Few Notes about Instruction… The time you have with the students is limited (often less than 30 minutes) You want to ensure that students have time to look at the books and find something they’d like to borrow Aim to have instruction that lasts no more than ten minutes

Lesson Plan Outline Instruction/presentation on an aspect of the Dewey Decimal System Ten minutes Activity related to instruction Ten minutes Assistance with book search Five minutes Sign-out of selected library item Five minutes

For Example... “Bob the Alien Disco vers the Dewe y Deci mal Syste m” YouT ube or pictu re book with discu ssion of 10 grou ps Ten minutes “Be Like Bob: Discover the Dewey Decimal System” activity in groups of four or five students Ten minutes Assistance with book search Five minutes Sign-out of selected library item and give bookmark Five minutes

Let’s Begin... Open a new Microsoft word document and title it “Library Instruction” and save it on the desktop – you will send this to yourself via e- mail at the end of the session As you work your way through the different slides and visit the various websites, copy and paste the sites that interest you into your “Library Instruction” document

A few sample PowerPoint presentations. These could be adapted for your students! Or perhaps this will spark a new idea!

Jefferson County Schools Library Science Presentations library.html Great presentation that you could adapt/shorten, etc. to explain the Dewey Decimal system Simple, five question quiz at the end of the presentation

Online Computer Library Center Resources for teachers and students of the DDC resources/public.htm Includes a PowerPoint presentation for kids

A few sample games, activities and quizzes. These could be adapted for your students! Or perhaps this will spark a new idea!

Monadnock Regional School District Cafe Dewey chools/Monadnock/ m?subpage=71759 Dewey Decimal system is related specific food items at a restaurant Menus, bookmarks, lessons plans and more also available for free!

Daphne East Elementary Shopping with Dewey ?id=15288 Dewey Decimal system is compared to the familiar layout of a grocery store Simple Dewey Decimal poster is also available for download

Wolf Swamp Road Elementary The Book Disaster ws/dewey/index.html During construction, workers accidentally knocked down the library and mixed up all the books Intended for older students, but could be adapted for younger ones

Middleton Thrall Public Library Can You do the Dewey? Includes some basic information and a brief biography of Dewey Also includes very fun interactive online game

A few sample presentations with related activities. These could be adapted for your students! Or perhaps this will spark a new idea!

BreitLinks Doin’ Dewey with Mr. B /indexTest.htm Includes PowerPoint presentation which may give you some ideas Also includes fun online quiz perfect for elementary students

ThinkQuest “Do We” Really Know Dewey? Great source of information for Grades 5-6 Includes section of fun quizzes and puzzles to print off

Eichold-Mertz Elementary Play the Dewey Decimal System Game An adaptation based on this presentation would be more suited to Grades 4-6 Also includes fun spinner game

Wrap up... Save your “Library Instruction” document (Word ) on the DesktopOpen your EDnet account through ‘New Message’ on the top left and type your own address in the ‘To’ field Attach the “Library Instruction” document to the Select the paperclip icon for ‘Attachments’ on the right and click the ‘Browse’ button Select ‘Desktop’ then find your document “Library Instruction” and double click Next, click ‘Update’ on the right of your screen, then ‘Send’Check your ‘Inbox’ to ensure that you have received the file

Thank you for Participating! Did you find any other Dewey Decimal resources that you would like to share? additional suggestions to Donna! We hope these resources will be useful to you!Enjoy the rest of the LSS PD Day!