Hans Helgesen Helps the Environment The DC team at Hans Helgesen has helped save the environment by saving energy and water also we recycle paper and juice boxes By DC Team
Lights off for Recess b We’ve been turning off lights for recess to save energy. b We’ve also been giving the kids points for turning off lights at recess, with the points the kids get extra recess time.
Lights off for Recess b Last year we had a sticker chart to tell if the lights were off at recess
Dining in the Dark b We’ve been doing dining in the dark to save energy at lunch time too. b We do dining in the dark on Fridays and how we do dining in the dark is we turn of f all the lights and eat in the dark its simple.
Save all Computers bHbHbHbHere at Hans Helgesen the DC team is turning off the computers after school. Before we tried to turn off the computers but if there was no class in the lab at the end of the day then they would not be able to. Now we turn them of every day, what a good way to save electricity eh.
Our Savings b Last year our school saved a total of 23,288kWh’s which is a reduction of 17.4% b This is equivalent to be able to power 1 home for 25.4 months b Our energy that we saved was $1,791
It’s Fun to Recycle b At Hans Helgesen we have a Blue Team and they recycle all our juice boxes from each classroom b We also have a recycling bin in every single room
Checking taps and toilets ! b We did a survey on making sure that all of our taps are not leaking.We also checked that there are aerators on our taps, to save more water. b We tested the toilets by putting blue tablets in them to make sure that the toilets aren’t leaky. We could tell if the toilets were leaky because the water would turn blue before we flushed the toilet!
Toilets use Too Much Water b Recently our DC team has put toilet displacement devices in our schools toilets b We are now saving 2 Liters of water every time we flush the toilet.
Hans Helgesen Hand Washing b To save water we asked students to change the way they wash their hands. Here’s how to wash your hands the right way and save water at the same time.
The steps to washing your hands! 1 st step - turn the tap on and get your hands wet. 2 nd - turn off the tap. 3 rd - soap your hands then turn the tap with your arm. That’s how to keep clean and save water at the same time.
Home and school! b This year we’ve been trying to get students to save water and electricity at home and at school. b We remind students every month at our school assemblies with speeches, presentations and skits. b All these notes we’ve shown you are trying to get you to save water I hope you will try to do at least one of these at home or at school.