Collegial Governance is Good Governance Robert F. Clift Executive Director Confederation of University Faculty Associations of BC
What is Governance? “Governance determines who has power, who makes decisions, how other players make their voice heard and how account is rendered.”
What is Good Governance? “Good governance is about both achieving desired results and achieving them in the right way. Since the ‘right way’ is largely shaped by the cultural norms and values of the organization, there can be no universal template for good governance. Each organization must tailor its own definition of good governance to suit its needs and values.”
Characteristics of Good Governance Promotes trust in the organization and its people Improves morale among staff and stakeholders Enhances services to the public and stakeholders Improves decision-making and the quality of these decisions Connects your organization - and its Board - to its membership and stakeholders Enhances the perception of the organization among people and stakeholders Improves the ability to weather a crisis Improves financial stability
What are the Impediments to Good University Governance? Incomplete picture of governance Confusion as to whom governors owe a duty Lack of knowledge about the enterprise Lack of knowledge about the environment Uncritical governors Ideological straightjackets
Robert F. Clift