copyright Ed Young, PhD1 Minimizing and Maximizing and the relation of the Bell Curve to Mental Health Examples of the Dynamics of Pseudo Incorporation and Pseudo Dis Incorporation
2 Representation of the Range of Interpreted Psychological Intensity and Significance of Any Single Event or Incident CURRENT EVENTS DISTANT PAST DISTANT FUTURE High Low Always Has Been Always Will Be Positive Negative
3 External Events and Personal Acts Are Subject to: Minimizing, Denial Maximizing, Catastrophizing Deflating, Deprecating Inflating, Exaggerating A Significant Positive Event Can be Minimized An Insignificant Positive Event Can be Maximized An Insignificant Negative Event Can be Maximized A Significant Negative Event Can be Minimized Im really not so great. Its really not so good. Thats a sign its great. Thats a sign Im great. Its really not that bad Im really not that bad Im really horrible. Its really awful
4 The question is: Why are these distorted interpretations and reactions of Minimizing, Denial, Maximizing, Catastrophizing, Deflating, Deprecating, Inflating, Exaggerating made? Traumas creating phobic reactions to even minor events resembling the trauma. Ridicule and jealous rivalry for successes creating fear of praise and success and a need to surrender and lose. Rejection and imputing guilt creating fear of self defense, assertive refusal, or self advocacy and need to appease by self abasement. Dependence on a sadistic, exploitative protector creating submissive, martyred, identification with the aggressor. Excessive criticism and judgment creating rationalization and denial. Prejudice and unfair treatment creating paranoid self adulation. Discounting and invalidating creating a need for exaggerated self promotion and self advocacy. Loss of support from friends or abandonment creating need to subordinate self, minimize being a burden to others and avoid abandonment.
5 MAXIMIZING With maximizing, a single, insignificant event, whether positive or negative, triggers adrenaline flow and sends the person into mental paroxysms and obsessive, whirling thoughts that lead to poor judgment, decision making, and performance. An actual or possible minor success A sign of genius A good, present or remote, minor incident A sign forconfirmed,highoptimism A bad, present, possible or remote, minor accident A minor, actual or possible, confrontation or setback A sign of impending doom and total disaster A sign of impending ostracism and ruined reputation
6 MINIMIZING With minimizing, there is selective shutting out of relevant information in a genuinely traumatic or threatening situation and a resort to suppression of affect and inhibition of behavior that leads to poor judgment and lack of flexibility and resourcefulness and to poor performance An actual or possible minor success A sign of genius A minor, actual or possible, confrontation or setback A good, present or remote, minor incident A sign for confirmed, high optimism A bad, present, possible or remote, minor accident A sign ofimpendingostracism andruined reputation A sign of impending doom and total disaster
7 Learning to Reverse Minimizing and Maximizing: The Role of Heuristic Incorporation and Dis Incorporation A. Giving the Negative incidents where there is maximum uncertainty a Minimal Interpretation B. Owning and Enjoying the Positive C. Asserting Rather Than Submitting and Embracing Rather Than Shrinking D. Preparing for and dealing with the bad E. Adventuring rather than withdrawing from uncertain opportunities F. Delaying rather than pursuing unessential investments with high costs and questionable gains G. Taking calculated risks with high gain and low cost situations H. Avoid generalizing from single incidents to all future incidents I. Avoid generalizing from a single act to the whole person J. Avoid interpreting a sign as a certain reality K. Avoid giving the benefit of the doubt or condemning out of and without knowledge or consideration or a perspective on a complete history or record.