George Gavel Marc Greencorn Alex Herbin Allan Notman PROGRESS Team: Bird Strike
SINCE LAST REPORT We have refined our idea We have met with several experts for ideas We have acquired most of the equipment needed for a prototype We have made some computer drawings and models Website has been updated several times
RECAP: OUR IDEA A combination of physical, optical and audible tactics will keep birds away Our solution will rotate and use power from the runway lights More economical to use several stationary units spaced apart Each unit will be screwed deep into the ground
SOURCES CONSULTED Michael Steinitz Mitch Gallant Randy Lauff Matt Cameron Machine Shop, design services
OUR OPTICAL REPELLER We will be ordering parts for our mirror assembly with these dimensions: INCHES
OUR ULTRASONIC EMITTER The circuit needed has been developed
OUR ULTRASONIC EMITTER All the equipment needed for a powerful prototype ultrasonic emitter has been obtained
GOALS BEFORE FINAL REPORT: Determine dimensions of ultrasonic emitter if it were mass produced and optimal dimensions of base screw to withstand force of wind and elements Test our ultrasonic emitter model on a flock of birds Assemble the mirrors and attach them to a support device Determine final cost for mass production