Careless soul, why will you linger, Wand'ring from the fold of God?


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Presentation transcript:

Careless soul, why will you linger, Wand'ring from the fold of God? Prepare To Meet Thy God Careless soul, why will you linger, Wand'ring from the fold of God? Hear you not the invitation? O prepare to meet thy God. 1-9 Words and Music by J. H. Stanley

(O yes your life will soon be gone;) Prepare To Meet Thy God Careless soul, (O careless soul,) O heed the warning, (heed the warning,) For your life (will soon be gone,) will soon be gone; (O yes your life will soon be gone;) 2-9

(O how sad to face the judgment,) Unprepared to meet thy God. Prepare To Meet Thy God O how sad (to face the judgment) to face the judgment, (O how sad to face the judgment,) Unprepared to meet thy God. (Unprepared to meet thy God.) 3-9

Why so tho'tless are you standing While the fleeting years go by, Prepare To Meet Thy God Why so tho'tless are you standing While the fleeting years go by, And your life is spent in folly? O prepare to meet thy God. 4-9

(O yes your life will soon be gone;) Prepare To Meet Thy God Careless soul, (O careless soul,) O heed the warning, (heed the warning,) For your life (will soon be gone,) will soon be gone; (O yes your life will soon be gone;) 5-9

(O how sad to face the judgment,) Unprepared to meet thy God. Prepare To Meet Thy God O how sad (to face the judgment) to face the judgment, (O how sad to face the judgment,) Unprepared to meet thy God. (Unprepared to meet thy God.) 6-9

If you spurn the invitation Till the Spirit shall depart, Prepare To Meet Thy God If you spurn the invitation Till the Spirit shall depart, Then you'll see your sad condition, Unprepared to meet thy God. 7-9

(O yes your life will soon be gone;) Prepare To Meet Thy God Careless soul, (O careless soul,) O heed the warning, (heed the warning,) For your life (will soon be gone,) will soon be gone; (O yes your life will soon be gone;) 8-9

(O how sad to face the judgment,) Unprepared to meet thy God. Prepare To Meet Thy God O how sad (to face the judgment) to face the judgment, (O how sad to face the judgment,) Unprepared to meet thy God. (Unprepared to meet thy God.) 9-9