Coding Transit Itineraries Frank Milthorpe Transport and Population Data Centre
Objective With the availability of electronic public transport time data how do you convert this into Emme/2 itineraries ?
Issues Full detail vs simplification Consistency between base year and future year Transparency in the process Emme/2 has a number of features which can assist with graphic display
Timetable Plots Using module 6.26 Itineraries input with data to facilitate the timetable plots Start time (off-set) in UT field Pattern coded in UT field Time between stops in US field Master route pattern for y axis
Route Plots Using module 2.13 option 6 (user defined data) Required extensive use of module 2.41 (network calculator) Separate calculations for nodes and links
Multiple pattern plots Similar process to route plots Summary data written in customised plot heading Could extend to use multiple layers (currently only using single layer).
Observations Route plot macro useful for checking itineraries Network calculator in conjunction with 2.13 can used to generate “customised” plots