Railway Grade Separation Issues 1 Bridge Planning Seminar 2008 "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." -- George Santayana "The past is never dead. It's not even past." --William Faulkner
Railway Grade Separation Issues 2 Introduction History is the key to successful planning and optimization of railway grade separations Precedence's right or wrong have enduring impacts both at individual crossings and sometimes globally The basic right to cross either by railway or road is protected by legislation The position of railways with respect to crossings in Alberta has remained constant over history i.e. maximum benefit to the railway and its operations while minimizing financial obligation
Railway Grade Separation Issues 3 New Challenges New Delivery Methods ( P3 ) Urban Ring Roads and Freeway Corridors High Speed Rail New Railway Initiatives ( CP – QEII corridor protection ) No uniform approach among various proponents ( road authorities ) Short line versus National Railway process differences Rationalization of Competing Initiatives within Government
Railway Grade Separation Issues 4 Introduction to Presentation Wayne Krause will deliver the balance of this presentation –Extensive experience both within AT and outside practice in bridge planning and agreements for railway grade separations –Key contributor and author for current AT “Railway Grade Separation Approval Procedure Manual” –Will provide an overview of the process of dealing with railways and an overview of the associated bridge planning requirements